This is a can of worms question. I hadn't been to the club apiary for some time but dropped in for a chat a bit ago. Someone (long term keeper) did get stung as a bee found a gap between zips at the nape of his bee suit neck. The apiary manager insisted on the victim going outside the apiary and sitting down for five minutes. Many of us present with extensive experience of being stung were quite surprised at this.
It's not something which home beekeepers (apart from known allergy sufferers) seem to have problems with and I wonder if others working alone would consider it reasonable to come away from the bees for some period and what they do regarding notifying someone where they are going and how long they are likely to be gone before a session? If they did faint after a sting would it be immediate or with preamble symptoms and would a non beekeeper enter the apiary with an open hive and possibly agitated bees to deal with the casualt
Unless things have changed epipens are not available to the general public in the UK.
You're right - I forgot about that minor detail! Folk with known anaphylaxis (say to peanuts) will carry them, but if you were that allergic to bee venom then I think an alternative hobby would be advisable. Thanks for the clarification.