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Drone Bee
Sep 6, 2015
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Anyone managed to get accepted onto their FB page?

I've been 'pending' for quite a while now.
Why would you want to bother, beekeeping is for everyone not just a pompous few, If they put me on a pending lis they can shove it.
I think it just means no one has got around to clicking "accept." Unless I have failed some sort of secret test.
I think there is only one person who runs it and she seems to spend a good bit of time out of the country beekeeping.
I see. Thanks.

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Haha. Didn't really know where to ask.

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something must be wrong. Others have been added in the last week.
As a few people have informed me, apparently the admin is currently away. I shall be patient.


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I'm a member and there are some argumentative types there. God forbid you make a mistake because they await and pounce! Then there is the name dropper, I just can't cope. There are some good guys there though who are friendly. I much prefer it here. I can ask my daft questions here without being jumped on. I don't think I dare post there. I'm only a member I suppose for the fights lol
I'm a member and there are some argumentative types there. God forbid you make a mistake because they await and pounce! Then there is the name dropper, I just can't cope. There are some good guys there though who are friendly. I much prefer it here. I can ask my daft questions here without being jumped on. I don't think I dare post there. I'm only a member I suppose for the fights lol

I think that's a fair assessment for all forums this on included and FB groups across the board.
I think that's a fair assessment for all forums this on included and FB groups across the board.

Not making excuses for poor behaviour but a couple of phrases which includes "heat" and "kitchen" or "tango" and "two" spring to mind. There again I'm mostly pretty laid back but with a thick skin.
Not making excuses for poor behaviour but a couple of phrases which includes "heat" and "kitchen" or "tango" and "two" spring to mind. There again I'm mostly pretty laid back but with a thick skin.

It's a funny old world this social media lark.
Good point. Maybe I'm biased about this forum.......a bit ;)

I guess we all have our favourites and understandable especially if you have built up online friendships in a particular place, it can give you a feeling they have your back if someone has a go. I am happy in both places and there are some very good groups on FB. I suspect there are more members here who are members over there who are not prepared to admit it ;)

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