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I guess we all have our favourites and understandable especially if you have built up online friendships in a particular place, it can give you a feeling they have your back if someone has a go. I am happy in both places and there are some very good groups on FB. I suspect there are more members here who are members over there who are not prepared to admit it ;)

There is a superb group on there, which is where I have been learning about bumbles, solitary bees and wasps since last Spring. I cannot recommend it highly enough, that is the best group I've come across to date. I'm also a member of a couple of other bee keeping groups. Until last year I only ever used fb for playing games and pratting about with my friends, I never contemplated it as an educational tool.
Yes there are some excellent groups in all sorts of subjects. I don't bother with the personal stuff I find that a bit odd. There are also some people who it looks like they start a new group every week but I think these people are on a power trip wanting to be the top dog but the cream always floats to the top and you soon see the best one to join. Things move faster in the groups than regular forums as you will know, sometimes for the best and others a shame as good threads are lost. May upset a few but I would say there is more to learn in the groups these days than this place as there seems to be some very good beekeepers and queen breeders in the groups and this side of things interest me these days.
Anyone managed to get accepted onto their FB page?

I've been 'pending' for quite a while now.

I've been a member for some time. Probably will happen some time soon.
Lets see if you have the magic touch!
I'm in. Good work! Thanks.

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