ball of bees in hive roof - help

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possibly yes.
what do you think about the qx, should it be above or below the super I've just put on?

Encle, you have got to get yourself a good book and a mentor or preferably on a course

your QEx excludes the queen so you are excluding the queen from the honey super so no larva in honey, so it goes between the brood and supers

by no more room, have they filled all the main brood with brood and honey or is it that bees are on all frames but still drawing some frames

if they have filled the brood chamber and have a filled Queen cells, you will find it hard to stop them swarming just by the removal of the queen cells, they want to split bee-smillie

have you other equipment to do an artificial swarm

i have primed my bait hive :sifone: just in case you don't

also what colour are your bees, are the brown and yellow or black and grey, pm where you got them from
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My take on the original problem (ball of bees in the roof) is that the roof is there to cover the hive and protedt what is underneath from the elements, not for access to the bees.

Simply put, the bees should not have access to the roof. End of that particular part of the problem. People continually try to re-invent the wheel. There is no need, when the original system is perfect, as in this case!
My take on the original problem (ball of bees in the roof) is that the roof is there to cover the hive and protedt what is underneath from the elements, not for access to the bees.

Simply put, the bees should not have access to the roof. End of that particular part of the problem. People continually try to re-invent the wheel. There is no need, when the original system is perfect, as in this case!

if they shouldn't have access should I cover up the holes in the crown board?
if they shouldn't have access should I cover up the holes in the crown board?

Seems pretty self evident, I would say. Holes that size equals access, n'est pas?

if they shouldn't have access should I cover up the holes in the crown board?

You should (in fairness I think MM & Co made that suggestion on page 1). I'd be cautious about giving a super before you had 11 BB frames drawn or 8 frames of brood (which ever comes first). Try stretching the brood nest by inserting undrawn in the outside 3rds one at a time.

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