Why would you extrapolate my comments as an argument to do nothing?!So should we just abandon this discussion on taking precautions and move on to other subjects?
I have the greatest respect for you, Mr Karol - and everybody else here, but I do seem to remember a certain Prime-minister returning from Munich and waving a piece of paper. He too said "Nothing was going to happen!"
I would much rather have a factory full of fire extinguishers and NO fire - than a factory on fire with no extinguishers.
As in Scouting - Be Prepared!
just my two pennyworth.
Malcolm B.
Just because it is highly unlikely Velutina will establish itself in the UK doesn't mean to say that where incursions occur they shouldn't be dealt with.
However, inciting mass panic has other consequences arising from the needless miss direction of scant resources so a little more rational reflection on risk vs effort seems like common sense.
As for not doing anything then I've spent quite a bit of time/effort assisting colleagues in Europe with strategies and tools for dealing with Velutina. If beekeepers were to collectively deploy fipronil custard then I'm confident that Velutina could be eradicated in large part which would reduce the threat of incursions into the UK and elsewhere. That strategy however requires a significant proportion of beekeepers to participate in order for it to work.