yes, its the best and most effective way. This year I had a minimum of 3 bottle traps at every location i had hives. Overall we caught more queens very early on as soon as it started to warm up, but before the common hornet queens got really going, so for the first couple of weeks, all i trapped was lots of Asian queens.
Ive done a video on how to make the bottle traps, youve all probably seen it. It works well for me. Theres a lot out there who dont trap in fear of damaging the good work the common hornets do,
which definitely agree with, but..... we have to control the overwintering queens that form new colonies in early spring.
My current problem with Asian hornets: i dont really haver one. At all my 8 apiaries i have Asian hornets, but theres only ever one or two in the apiary at one time. You can easily swat the workers as they grab bees, or stand on them, as they drop to the ground to decapitate a bee, before they fly off to their nest, which is very difficult to locate. (but you waste a lot of time, adding this to all the other time we waste in the apiary lol)
A few points to remember:
Asian hornets are slow to get going, they build a small nursery nest and move on after the queen has established enough workers to support her. its then they suddenly appear, then make a nest in a very difficult place to find.
Their relatively easy to trap in the spring. Make a minimum of 3 bottle traps per apiary. heres the link to a video i did. its a practical howe to make. easy to follow.
By the time Asian Hornets become a problem we've done most of our bee work (well us here anyway) I imagine if your a heather honey specialist, then Asians Hornets may pose a problem but to be honest as long as you keep hives in groups of more then two, even a nest in fairly close proximity wont really be a problem if its a healthy hive.
Their still keeping bees in the Gironde area, the first place of infestation, over 10 years ago. Its a pain in the arse, but compared to Varroa regimes, its a walk in the park!! You will deal with it!!!