Any scouts at your swarm trap?

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I realise that I will end up with more than one hive, maybe several.
Right now I will concentrate on attempting to be a reasonably competent Bee keeper, so one hive will do for now.
I have to say that suiting up, lighting the smoker and opening up the Nuc box to transfer the frames with thousands of Bees on was a very , very satisfying experience. My partner who was very concerned at the idea keeps sneaking off to the veg garden to have a look.
I realise that I will end up with more than one hive, maybe several.
Right now I will concentrate on attempting to be a reasonably competent Bee keeper, so one hive will do for now.
I have to say that suiting up, lighting the smoker and opening up the Nuc box to transfer the frames with thousands of Bees on was a very , very satisfying experience. My partner who was very concerned at the idea keeps sneaking off to the veg garden to have a look.

If you have 1 hive then you need a second. 2 is no different to 1 in terms of work etc. BUT if you have 2 hives and something goes totally wrong with one, you have the other as a insurance policy, to swap frames of brood over if you make one accidentally hopelessly queen less. With 2 you can also compare apples with apples. I always wanted just one hive at the bottom of the garden, after much research I got 2 hives..... I now have 4. But the gaffer has put her foot down and I'm seriously not allowed anymore.... So I've put a bait hive on the garage roof (she never looks up there) It's like a drug, you'll never be able to stop at 1.
You have a lot more options with a second hive eg if you accidentally render them queenless, 1 turns out to be bad tempered, etc, etc.
Once I get started on something I enjoy I usually go all in. No doubt I will have another hive sooner rather than later.
No idea how many I will have next year!!!!!
Had scouts for the last week then swarm finally today. As per above discussion it went very quiet a few min before then got very loud!

If you have wifi and power, I recommend sticking a camera in the bait box, fun to watch!
If you have wifi and power, I recommend sticking a camera in the bait box, fun to watch!

i don’t…so you’ll have to post a clip of yours please 😂
Lots of scouts yesterday at one swarm trap but that was later in the day. Horrendous rain here in the Lothians today so doubt there will be much swarming.....maybe tomorrow!
In a way, I'm relieved to see zero activity at the bait hives today. It may just be the calm before the storm, but today is a typical swarm day after a rainy day yesterday. My shaky swarm "abatement" measures on Sunday may have done the trick? ;)
quite busy -yesterday 5 at trap 1 , 3 at trap 2 . hot on the South Coast today so fingers crossed.