Any Beekeeper in Mansfield ng199df help needed

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If I come across a swarm I'll give it you. I have to travel to that part of the world anyway to sign a new tennant agreement at some point

Thx that is really generous of you.

I have contacted a local beek who can not come out but is very experienced and has a lot of hives.Would have loved him to have had a look.

The advice was to move the hive and shake them off and let them disperse and die.

Then bait up with one of the lures off a well known bidding site to attract a swarm if I cannot afford a new batch which I cant right now.And I would love to try and catch a swarm with a bait hive.

If I had to kill the bees is there a humane way of doing this,this is quite upsetting me as I don't want to do this but it looks the only way out.

I did forget to mention in orig post that there is a queen cell just one that has been there along while halfway down a frame and its gone brown at the bottom,my guess is something has gone wrong.The bees have NOT swarmed this year this goes back to before last winter when they swarmed at least once as I rememeber.
Thx that is really generous of you.

I have contacted a local beek who can not come out but is very experienced and has a lot of hives.Would have loved him to have had a look.

The advice was to move the hive and shake them off and let them disperse and die.

Then bait up with one of the lures off a well known bidding site to attract a swarm if I cannot afford a new batch which I cant right now.And I would love to try and catch a swarm with a bait hive.

If I had to kill the bees is there a humane way of doing this,this is quite upsetting me as I don't want to do this but it looks the only way out.

I did forget to mention in orig post that there is a queen cell just one that has been there along while halfway down a frame and its gone brown at the bottom,my guess is something has gone wrong.The bees have NOT swarmed this year this goes back to before last winter when they swarmed at least once as I rememeber.

Don't worry too much over the humanity. Natures creatures such as birds will be grateful for the protein. Leave the empty box out with old comb and a sprinkle of lemongrass oil. Fingers crossed a swarm will find it. The probability isn't always great though. Keep making beekeeping buddies, if they know you are looking for a swarm they may give you one they have found because they don't have room for it themselves.
Do not leave the box with combs containing honey. It will likely be robbed out by any and every local colony, possibly spreading disease pathogens.
Just going to give an update here on a nice ending well sort of but not for the bees.

Had an experienced beek come round and take alook he offered his services ( what a gent ).

He spent a long time looking thru hive....He said they were all workers but no queen was present as he could see and no larvae and no eggs.There was no sign of disease either.
A quite upsetting outcome for the bees but one I have had to accept.His advice was to move the hive disinfect it and shake the 2 frames out and let nature take its course.

He has offered us a bb full of bees ( collected swarm/nice natured ) and only wants paying for the frames.What a not naming him but just goes to show there are some very nice beeks on this forum who are not intent on flaming the beginner just because he doesn't want to join the local beek club.
Im in Mansfield, should you want another colony.

I dont do cash, however i trade in beer... get in touch.