New Bee
Good morning all.
I have a hive that was my first one that I got as a nuc last year, they are in a commercial hive with 4 full supers and are pretty angry bees. They were quite angry at the beginning of the season and would often crawl onto my gloves immediately trying to sting me during inspections, now however they take flight from the supers as soon as the crown board is opened and are all over me trying to sting me. Yesterday I went to put a clearer board on which took some doing and I had to lift the supers off one by one and then back on, I had to walk away a few times as there were so many bees on me and a few stings were getting through and one even managed to git in my suit and get me in the throat (luckily no reaction at all). I put a brood chamber on top of the existing one with the queen excluder still in place so they have some space below the clearer to give me time to work out what to do with the little darlings. I really don't enjoy inspecting them anymore so need to do something asap. Will requeening work and what is the best way to go about it as I don't really want to be going in the brood box more than necessary. Any other options?
I have a hive that was my first one that I got as a nuc last year, they are in a commercial hive with 4 full supers and are pretty angry bees. They were quite angry at the beginning of the season and would often crawl onto my gloves immediately trying to sting me during inspections, now however they take flight from the supers as soon as the crown board is opened and are all over me trying to sting me. Yesterday I went to put a clearer board on which took some doing and I had to lift the supers off one by one and then back on, I had to walk away a few times as there were so many bees on me and a few stings were getting through and one even managed to git in my suit and get me in the throat (luckily no reaction at all). I put a brood chamber on top of the existing one with the queen excluder still in place so they have some space below the clearer to give me time to work out what to do with the little darlings. I really don't enjoy inspecting them anymore so need to do something asap. Will requeening work and what is the best way to go about it as I don't really want to be going in the brood box more than necessary. Any other options?