AAArrrggg - I'm broodless

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Pete Nicholson

House Bee
Jan 20, 2011
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Did an inspection today - girls extremely busy bringing in loads of pollen and really buzzin. I added a second BB two weeks ago as was concerned that they were running out of space - inspection showed good brood and stores to end of frames.
TODAY - Stores a plenty in both BB's. Girls in both BB's (lots). Top BB drawn frames 3-8. Bottom BB fully drawn and stores capped around 40% - lots of uncapped 'honey' BUT....... NO brood/larvae/eggs/queen and around a dozen Drone cells capped throughout entire hive + makings of one queen cell (uncapped - no egg).


Advice from mentor is that I need to add some frames with 'BIAS' which I hope to do from my DBKA apiary this weekend as my girls are running out of time.
Mentor also said that he had one of his hives in exactly the same state.
Anyone else in this position - Only have the one colony so am a bit stuck for alternatives as re-queening is not an option as there are non available yet.
BIAS = Brood in all states?

DBKA = Devon beekeeping assoc?

Best guess here....

I suspect if your search around there will be queens for sale...

Yep - guessed right PH - sorry about that- just used to using acronyms/initials - rather get queens/ brood from my own society as I know where they come from and what they are likely to be behavioural wise.
when was the last time you inspected and saw eggs, or other brood stages? (commiserations by the way, what a pain!)
could you do a merger with a friendly beek.... then split & requeen later when new HM availiable????????????????

I have against every bit of advice got 2 Q- broodless about to fail colonies sitting atop a reasonably good colony..... need a step ladder to inspect, but I am afraid to do so... was lively today, and bits of newspaper everwhere..... I live in hope (die in despair!)
Hi Andy - fully operational on the 23rd. March. Looked great with all in order. I reckon I must have crushed/lost the queen somehow but I cannot understand why the girls have not drawn queen cells to replace - the hive seems 'lost' - maybe they don't understand the process. (I can't believe that so I don't know what is going on) - all I know is that I have a problem!!
could you do a merger with a friendly beek.... then split & requeen later when new HM availiable????????????????

I have against every bit of advice got 2 Q- broodless about to fail colonies sitting atop a reasonably good colony..... need a step ladder to inspect, but I am afraid to do so... was lively today, and bits of newspaper everwhere..... I live in hope (die in despair!)

Bring them over.... go for the tripple¬!!!!
Brave action Ican - hope you have a head for heights; will go with my mentor for the moment as I think/hope we can salvage this.
Cheers for reply
If it makes you feel any better, I have 3 out of 20 colonies which lost queens over winter (united them with others today), and several colonies that came through weak...only 2 - 2 1/2 frames of brood today and not very many signs of nosema or any other obvious trouble. They will build up eventually, but I'd hoped to have a majority of strong colonies to start the season with. Those that are "strong" are not exacly brimming over yet. That is beekeeping I guess. Last year was very odd as far as queens/caught swarm behaviour/supercedure was concerned...lets hope they have read a few more books over winter and behave as they ought this season!
hi - yes, it looks as though the Q may have been wiped out somehow, not necessarily your mistake although easily done, I'm on brood & half on my WBC and I'm always worried I'll do some damage when splitting the two. I think the advice from your mentor is the best bet - if you can beg a frame or two of BIAS then they should start some Q cells, although will be a good few weeks (c. 6) before you have an egg laying Q again, and quality may be a probem. Meanwhile see if you can acquire a better queen. Best of luck!!
Hi Leigh, thanks for reply; My queen overwintered fine and I was looking at a great colony this year but 'fate' (or me) has bu**ered it up for the time being - I suspect the latter as the girls know best! Good luck to you and your little friends. and tell them to keep reading the manuals.
Thanks Andy - comments appreciaied! Tense times ahead. My DBKA apiary is adopting a queen rearing program this season but this will be too late for my problem - I may requeen when this program is up and running.
Hi Pete

Just a couple of questions and considerations

You inspected two weeks ago and you report all was well but did you see eggs at that inspection if so you will have brood today? so perhaps your problems started before that inspection?

The making of a queen cell with no egg? Are you referring to a queen cup or is it a queen cell and are you looking at an empty queen cell and you have a virgin queen in the hive?

The test frame is the right thing to do
"are you looking at an empty queen cell and you have a virgin queen in the hive?"

exactly what i was thinking

Tom and the DR: Queen cup was small and could see no eggs at the previous inspection (but I have great difficulty in seeing eggs with my eyesight!!) However there was larvae present and lots of capped brood (see pics) - now nothing.
If a virgin in the hive, and I add BIAS frames at the weekend I can't see any harm done so I must go with that.
Thanks for your comments.
Pete I am not saying don’t do the test frame quite the opposite it is the right thing to do and will confirm to you if you are queen right or not.

You will need a frame with eggs on it and if you carefully wrap the frame in a warn slightly damp towel you should be able to transport it over a good distance to your hive.

Good look at the weekend
Sorry to hear of your predicament (but you were warned earlier).

A quick question here.

You are not treating for varroa with a thymol based medication at this present time, or recently, are you?

Regards, RAB
"You are not treating for varroa with a thymol based medication at this present time, or recently, are you?"

good thought RAB - looks like the queen had been laying well so unless a mishap at a previous inspection (one before last - but then would have expected emergency queen cells), it would seem feasible that queen is just off lay.

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