AAArrrggg - I'm broodless

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Looking at the first picture you posted. Just left of centre there appears to be 10+ cells with 1-2 day old eggs in them. Was this picture taken two weeks ago...?
Hi Oliver - no thymol treatment - did oxalic acid way back in january but that is all - Yep I 'was warned' but it is difficult when I get conflicting advice from the forum and my local society........
Cheers for all the comments
Hi Mike - picture taken 15th March - (when I added the second brood box) rereading my notes, I only took the crown board off two weeks ago to check for drawing frames in the top BB - it looks like I may have lost the queen on the 15th - but I am surprised that no emergency queen cells are evident anywhere as they had plenty of chances if the queen was killed by me.

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