A World without Bees

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What ever they write, how can they vanish?

Bees are flying insects closely related to wasps and ants, and are known for their role in pollination and for producing honey and beeswax. Bees are a monophyletic lineage within the superfamily Apoidea, presently classified by the unranked taxon name Anthophila. There are nearly 20,000 known species of bees in seven to nine recognized families,[1] though many are undescribed and the actual number is probably higher. They are found on every continent except Antarctica, in every habitat on the planet that contains insect-pollinated flowering plants.
Bayer, Monsanto, Syngenta etc

And Santa with his reindeers stucked into chimney.

I use to say that even if you are beekeepers, don't loose your brains!!!!

Eistein said? - I wonder why Einstein was worried about bees. It was just killed 60 million people in the second world war. Ecology was not known at all on the earth. There was no insectisides or pectisides or not at least results of those stuff.

There was early CCD in Russia. 14% of human population was killed and they were civilians.

What else beekeepers will invent?

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If we manage to make the environment so toxic that a time proven and adaptable insect like the honey bee becomes extinct its certain the rather fragile human beans will have passed away long before
If we manage to make the environment so toxic that a time proven and adaptable insect like the honey bee becomes extinct its certain the rather fragile human beans will have passed away long before

In that case human will die and insects will live. Even honey bee will survive better than the human race. That is my opinion. No need to mix honeybee into that soup.
I was given the book yesterday and have just read the first chapter so cannot really say if it is any good or not just yet. To counter what Finman says above, what about the Southern Sichuan area of China that was so polluted with pesticides, no pollinators can now survive there and all the fruit trees have to be hand pollinated.
An example to be aware of. Even Man could not be that stupid to emulate that area's problems over the whole world. Might just manage it enough to start the beginning of the end - if it hasn't already started.......

Regards, RAB
I enjoyed the book - a little extremist in parts, but thought provoking and well researched.
I have just returned the book to the library and agree with Simon, at times I felt it went too far with what if's etc.
China is the biggest honey exporter and they pollinate with hands? And now they start to make volvos. Strange?
It's so they can drive from tree to tree quicken up the hand pollination.
I am a beginner in my second year so what do I know?

Just read the book - took some doing, rather dry and heavy going in places. Rather overly dramatic and not particulalry scientifically presented ( my background). certainly thought provoking, and has stimulated me to look further.
However I was angry that in the summary, no real mention was made of Migratory beekeepers in the USA, when a lot of pages were devoted to the horrendous stresses such a lifestyle causes for the bees, particularly by breaking its natural life style and cycle.

Needed to rant!
rant over
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If someone do something wrong on the other side of the globe, do we need to bee mad for that?

Russia burned last summer an area which was half of the Finland and same size as the British Isles. Should be become mad and tear our hair off?

Beekeeping is full of rubbish. When CCD was invented, at once it was in London, in Scotland, Germany and what ever. KEEP YOUR NERVES!

Britain seems to have more bees now than ever.
I reckon it is excellent. I was given this book as a present and it the reason that I became a beekeeper
got this book is mostly about clafionia arlmond pollination
And that is what is so annoying, as it barely got a mention in the summary of possible causes. But then it is worth billions to their economy! Money!

- you've really got to stay away from that Almond Essence...too much can do your head in!

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