i had lived happily 50 years with fact, that 1 kg bees has 10 000 members.
When I bought an accurate balance and I weighed bees, I noticed that full bee weighs 170 mg, and not 100 mg. And swarm bees are full of honey. Normal worker has allways some honey in its belly, even when the bee emerges.
I intended to use weighing in bee breeding, but it was difficult to measure the size of the bee in different hives. When the queen has mated with 16 drones, there are many size of workers in one hive.
I studied from internet, what it tells about weigh of bees. As I told, there are many kind of information in internet. Hobby guys' and professionals' and researchers'.
And the answers. No one in forum knew the answer, and it tells that this fact does not harm beekeeping, is it this or that . Me too 4 years ago.
And somebody needs accurate answer from useless information, amen to that.