A Few Rats

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Jun 4, 2015
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Co / Durham / Co Cleveland and Northumberland
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17 nucs....
Had Several hours on the rats yesterday cleaning the chicken shed out, it was a good day but by god it was warm, the pooches needed a breather every hour too cool of and likewise for us, and as usual i was a magnet for the red mite crawling all over my head, in my ears and up my nose, a couple of cold showers sorted them out, here is one picture of around 35, it would take too long too stick all the action shots up.

Had Several hours on the rats yesterday cleaning the chicken shed out, it was a good day but by god it was warm, the pooches needed a breather every hour too cool of and likewise for us, and as usual i was a magnet for the red mite crawling all over my head, in my ears and up my nose, a couple of cold showers sorted them out, here is one picture of around 35, it would take too long too stick all the action shots up.


Ah a blast from the past for me when we used to get monty the terrier and have ratting days under the chicken shed :)
Later on we used to have a steam boiler to steam sterilise the potting soil in the greenhouse. As there was a head of steam left after the fire was drawn we poked steam hose down the rat holes. Amazing how fast rats emerged from the other holes in their network. :nopity:
Ah a blast from the past for me when we used to get monty the terrier and have ratting days under the chicken shed :)
Later on we used to have a steam boiler to steam sterilise the potting soil in the greenhouse. As there was a head of steam left after the fire was drawn we poked steam hose down the rat holes. Amazing how fast rats emerged from the other holes in their network. :nopity:
One farm i used too shoot on i did something similar, it was a fat piece of hose though stuck on a old diesel landrovers exhaust pipe, that landy used too put a lot of black smoke out which got the rats moving fairly quick..:D
wow Millet think you missed a zero of that 35 !
One farm i used too shoot on i did something similar, it was a fat piece of hose though stuck on a old diesel landrovers exhaust pipe, that landy used too put a lot of black smoke out which got the rats moving fairly quick..:D

some lads use a 'recycled' chainsaw - bar and chain removed, hose over the exhaust and an over-rich oil mix - a nice smoky portable bit of kit
Dachsies can be pretty handy - was at the National game fair a few years ago and I only just stepped in on time to stop Swmbo's last little nutter killing a fox terrier! the owner (a teenage girl) was almost in tears apologising for her dog's behaviour until I pointed out to her that it was ours that had hers firmly by the windpipe!!
some lads use a 'recycled' chainsaw - bar and chain removed, hose over the exhaust and an over-rich oil mix - a nice smoky portable bit of kit

That is so old fashioned Jenny, exhausts from those 2 stoke engines melt rubber pipe for fun and even the newer oil burning smokers are not as good as a old terrier / fit dude/ and a good old spade. ;)
If you kill all the rats where will our next government come from ?
Ah......and I had you down as the little dachsie at the end of the lineup actually quite shocked at the numbers! What do you do with them?

I could have also taken the picture ;) , the dead rats get took away with all the dead chickens that are laid about.

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