Yay honey

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John Hammond

New Bee
Nov 7, 2014
Reaction score
West sussex
Hive Type
Number of Hives
Started keeping bees this season and just took off my first lot of honey (16 jars)
That's sixteen more than me and I have been keeping them since.......well...a while anyway! Well done. Savour every mouthful and don't give any away.
Wow...16 jars of liquid gold...savour it all.....well done....a difficult year for many...so you have done well to get a harvest in your first year.
Congratulations - :winner1st:
I'm into my 4th summer of having bees and very much hoping that this year will result in a bit of a honey harvest for the very first time :)
I am..... The flowers might open this week and the humidity might just be right......please!!!
Well done. It is a nice feeling.
Congratulations - :winner1st:
I'm into my 4th summer of having bees and very much hoping that this year will result in a bit of a honey harvest for the very first time :)

4 years!!!! That is a lot of patience! I would have thought your area would have been a wonderful nectar area! I am constantly surprised how little I know about the British Isles.
4 years!!!! That is a lot of patience! I would have thought your area would have been a wonderful nectar area! I am constantly surprised how little I know about the British Isles.

More a reflection of my particular cock-ups in 2014 and 13 :hairpull: - the nucs were new in July 2012 and Sept 2012 so no hopes for honey that 1st year.

Let's just say I used 2013 and 14 to gain LOTS of experience :)