Queen Bee
I manage over 30 hives. I check for varroa drop regularly. This year none have shown any significant drop - only one or two on tray after a week and non showing up when drones are culled. I have struggled to find any varroa to show the students what they are.
I noticed the ants have done well this year and a lot of the varroa trays have ants on them and the ants seem to carry off the varroa??
Anyway, thymol treatment put on all of them and on Sunday, one of them, that seemed no different from the others, showed a drop of about 200. I am losing confidence in the varroa tray method of establishing drop.
I don't think the Autumn thymol treatment does much harm. Jury is still out on oxalic acid in Winter. It seems to have a worse effect on smaller colonies?Think I will not treat the nucs with oxalic, but instead give them an additional Spring thymol treatment.
i think it could be natural selection of varroa that for what ever reason don't fall off, perhaps the mites bury themselves deeper under the tergite and stay in there even when dead so getting removed with the dead bee rather than falling off