@Beesnaturally apologies I did not meant to challenge you on your choice to install the log burner in the shed. 'Jedum das sein' (German - ' to each their own' ) I recently installed a couple multistoves in the house so spent some time understanding the recent HETAS and building regulations. The log burner is an active stove that can easily get to 500f and should be treated with respect. Luckily there is very few accidents in the UK with the carbon dioxide poisoning and log burner fires, but all of these could have been avoided if some basic health and safety and regulations were followed. Correct distance to the combustibles and smoke/monoxide alarms are little investments that can save your live.
What is the purpose of the log burner in the shed? If there is a lot of draft, I assume the installation will be very poor, so it will be expensive to heat with the wood, so multistove maybe a better option