Women for Bees Initiative on World Bee Day

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Queen Bee
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Mar 27, 2012
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A centre page spread in yesterday's Guardian, featuring Angelina Jolie


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I can’t help thinking she looks as if she’s constipated!
It would be nice to see women highlighted who are actually keeping bees in a meaningful way. I know plenty who have dirty fingernails and sore backs from bee work. Maybe just not glamorous enough, eh?

It appears she's some sort of patron of the Women For Bees project, so I guess they're specifically using her celebrity status to draw attention to their work from people who wouldn't really give it a second thought were they to use some random "beekeeper off the street". I do sometimes wonder if she's not as mad as a box of frogs, but perhaps in this case the organisation is getting the kind of PR coverage that it couldn't otherwise justify spending the money on.

but perhaps in this case the organisation is getting the kind of PR coverage that it couldn't otherwise justify spending the money on.

Why?? As Mike says, lets get a pretty lady with a bad back, dirty finger nails and no or minimal make-up to pose for the photograph.
Why?? As Mike says, lets get a pretty lady with a bad back, dirty finger nails and no or minimal make-up to pose for the photograph.

"Mate, there's a photo here of a woman covered in bees!"
"Yeah, seen people do that sort of thing before."

"Mate, there's a photo here of Angelina Jolie covered in bees!"
"Really? Let's see! What's she doing that for then?"

That's why.

I mean, here we are talking about it. Precisely because it's Angelina Jolie. If it had been some unknown female beekeeper the Guardian quite possibly wouldn't even have printed it and we'd never have heard of it.

"Mate, there's a photo here of a woman covered in bees!"
"Yeah, seen people do that sort of thing before."

"Mate, there's a photo here of Angelina Jolie covered in bees!"
"Really? Let's see! What's she doing that for then?"

That's why.

I mean, here we are talking about it. Precisely because it's Angelina Jolie. If it had been some unknown female beekeeper the Guardian quite possibly wouldn't even have printed it and we'd never have heard of it.

Sad, but very true
Why sad?
That's what advertising is about. Who wants to look at a grubby lady covered in bees? Maybe another beekeeper but that's a bit of a pointless exercise. We are already converted.
I often see a grubby lady covered in bees and that's sad but true.
The photo is quite a few years old now
She was allegedly terrified but didn't get stung unlike some of the photoshoot team.
Is this a great opportunity to promote ladies cut bee suits (Simon) or am I just another cynical old git?
Why sad?
That's what advertising is about. Who wants to look at a grubby lady covered in bees? Maybe another beekeeper but that's a bit of a pointless exercise. We are already converted.
Because it reinforces the idea that to be ‘noticed’ women have to look a certain way.
I disagree. There is so much darkness in the world a stunning photo of a beautiful woman is a delight and I’m glad the photographer won his award
I disagree. There is so much darkness in the world a stunning photo of a beautiful woman is a delight and I’m glad the photographer won his award

I've got to admit that these days she looks disturbingly anorexic to me. When I saw the pictures of her visit to Ukraine on the news a while back I actually thought she must be ill.


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