Wiring board

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Poly Hive

Queen Bee
Dec 4, 2008
Reaction score
Scottish Borders
Hive Type
Number of Hives
12 and 18 Nucs
Cut with a router to take National and Langstroth broods and super frames.

The lugs are to screw it to a work bench which I had set high as I preferred to stand for this task. Further the lug lifted the board a touch to lessen the angle of the wire from the spool thus reducing the breakages.

The wire spool was mounted to the left so as to be handy for my left hand to apply the pressure to tighten the wires up.

I wired my broods and supers to withstand the needling of the honey loosner I used prior to extracting and yes you can extract heather honey provided (as always) you have the right kit.

Two horizontal wires for the super frames, three for the National Brood and four for the Langstroth. Twang twang twang!



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Over here are usually used metal frames for wiring ( cheap to buy or if skilled easy to make).

Quite ingenious, but I prefer to have a toggle clamp mounted on the board, keeps the frame in place and bows the bars to tension the wire.
Ah but there is no need for a clamp you see. The recess holds the frame and the spool provides the tension. KISS

As it is currently (and probably forever) dismounted you are not seeing the spool.

Anyone for a few miles of wire? Stainless of course.


In our very unpredictable climate getting plastic foundation drawn is frankly in my experience a bloody nightmare.

.I will set up this kind of pressing thing to the wiring board.

It bends the vertical bars when wiring...... ==> )------( <==

Then loosened bars tighten the wires. It saves fingers. |------|

This tool has a pistol like tighten - loosen system. It must be installed under the board that only nails are visible.

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In our very unpredictable climate getting plastic foundation drawn is frankly in my experience a bloody nightmare.


In my case PH I sent 10,000 full frames of plastic and at least as many sheets of plastic foundation to landfill at the time of the EFB outbreak and went completely back to wood and wax.

Very expensive disposal exercise on equipment that seemed such a good idea but could not be effectively sterilised.
Very practical reasoning to abandon all in one plastics, but did you find the bees drew the foundation ok with our unpredictable and thin flows?
I think we need another one of Pete's videos to see this gadget in action

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In my case PH I sent 10,000 full frames of plastic and at least as many sheets of plastic foundation to landfill at the time of the EFB outbreak and went completely back to wood and wax.

Very expensive disposal exercise on equipment that seemed such a good idea but could not be effectively sterilised.

What advantage does wood - wax have over plastic in this situation ?

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