A very interesting question, but RAB is probably giving the extent of knowledge about it. It makes one wonder what the bees do in a tree nest as the organisation in hives with bee spaces and bars must perturb their behaviour. But as RAB says they manage... so unless you want to conduct some rather interesting research into it, dont worry.
Rab says that he does not know. But....
Actually this has interested beekeepers for ever.
- You see the cluster, you see no holes through combs
- You know movement of cluster
- Isolation starvation how it happens
- You find from google temperature researches from Google.
then, there are so much rubbish discussion in internet, if you want to kill your time.
What guys do not know is,
- how insulation serves the colony
- how much is cold or severe cold.
- difficult to peep into the hive when temp is -20C
- stupid stetoscope game: Weaky weaky, are you alive!
You can keep bees without knowing everything, but a human genenerates the answer from nothing however.
To find information from google is actually very difficult and takes lots if time.
.and when you find it, do nothing guys say: Bullship.