New Bee
Good Evening again,
I didn't want to ask two questions on the same thread as they are not related subjects.
I was reading the latest issue of BBKA News, specifically the article wrt prevention of swarming, and the gentleman's idea of making a weight activated hive entrance door, when an idea came to me.
Why do we not put a queen excluder between the floor and the brood chamber as well as above the brood chamber? I am aware that a new queen needs to get out to mate, HOWEVER, once you are aware of a new queen (no marker on your queen) you could remove the queen excluder until you see eggs in cells again and then replace it.
Why is this not done. It seems to simple an idea for it not to have been considered in the past.
Many thanks
I didn't want to ask two questions on the same thread as they are not related subjects.
I was reading the latest issue of BBKA News, specifically the article wrt prevention of swarming, and the gentleman's idea of making a weight activated hive entrance door, when an idea came to me.
Why do we not put a queen excluder between the floor and the brood chamber as well as above the brood chamber? I am aware that a new queen needs to get out to mate, HOWEVER, once you are aware of a new queen (no marker on your queen) you could remove the queen excluder until you see eggs in cells again and then replace it.
Why is this not done. It seems to simple an idea for it not to have been considered in the past.
Many thanks