Why fondant instead of syrup and vice versa?

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Answers (some) are good, but I see no mention of 1:1 syrup. Next thing we will have new beeks thinking 2:1 is good for times when bees are brooding, and not thinking what the bees actually collect in nature.

Honey is only for consumption when nectar is in short supply or non-existent. Bees use nectar to feed brood whenever possible. They need water when brooding and only honey (or fondant) is available.

For winter use, the food with the highest calorific value would normally be chosen. Compare honey with fondant. Latent heat of evaporation for water is an important factor for the bees' energy balance.
Answers (some) are good, but I see no mention of 1:1 syrup. Next thing we will have new beeks thinking 2:1 is good for times when bees are brooding, and not thinking what the bees actually collect in nature.

Honey is only for consumption when nectar is in short supply or non-existent. Bees use nectar to feed brood whenever possible. They need water when brooding and only honey (or fondant) is available.

For winter use, the food with the highest calorific value would normally be chosen. Compare honey with fondant. Latent heat of evaporation for water is an important factor for the bees' energy balance.

Your explanation is not clear at all.

You bees get always water outside. It is not problem. 1:1 syrup and giving water is a fairytale..

2:1 is very food during brooding time. If you think that syrup feeding adds brooding, it is a false. Brood cyckle is 3 weeks and you cannot feed hives all the time.

Bees store winterfood, and it has always same caloric value.

Latent heat.... Some strange theory again. I hope tha Derekenism does not contaminate British beekeeping. You have latent heat too much behind mesh floor.
Finny what strength syrup do you feed in spring/summer - I seem to recall you mentioning a really weak syrup for something - comb building maybe?
Finny what strength syrup do you feed in spring/summer - I seem to recall you mentioning a really weak syrup for something - comb building maybe?

In spring emergency feeding to add stores 1:2

In summer to feed swarms and save honey yield 20%.

Swarm stores and caps 1:1 solution.

Bees do not draw combs fist ready, and then store. They draw cell walls when food level rises in cells. That is why 20% syrup pushes better comb drawing.

In summer to add stores 1:2.

I do not feed light syrup in spring to add build upp because it does not help.

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