Which is the best beekeeping book?

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I am loving this forum: high beekeeping level, great companionship with people ready to help. Thanks.

Now I have a lot of precious information about which books, leaflets and other stuff I can look for to start with.

Anyway don't stop suggesting whatever you consider useful or interesting to this thread.

My humble contribution, a Spanish saying:" the beehive(colony), from one up to 100 and from 100 down to one." (Lost in translation?)
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Here's another one, I couldn't remember the name earlier. It's modern English, is written in 'chunks' and has a wide range of fairly good pictures.

"Keeping Bees" (Green guide series) by Pam Gregory and Claire Waring. Current price is £6.89
A question, do many diferences exit between english beekeeping terms from UK and the Australian and North american?
I know you mentioned improving your English, but actually it's pretty damned good already!
As a different approach, IBRA sell dictionaries of beekeeping terms. Volumes 5 or 8 cover English-Spanish (and other languages); apparently they all cover the same 1,000 beekeeping terms, just different combinations of languages.

See here for more information and to order.
I'm slightly surprised to see the recommendation for Tautz's book above. Its a German book, translated by an American ... but maybe look for a Spanish translation ...

Yes, downside: American translation and American spelling - so maybe not what Rodrigo needs.

and the principal recommendation is for the photography .... nice pictures indeed ...

Lovely pictures, yes, but the content is also important, often new to most readers, and immensely readable. I'm slightly surprised you're dismissing it, Itma.
+1 for a Practical Manual of Beekeeping by David Cramp, it is really easy to read and easy to follow. Probably a good text if English isn't your first language. Also his beekeepers field guide is easy to read.

Hooper is a bit of a struggle to read even if you speak English! It might be the classic beginners text but it is not written in very friendly language and is out of date. Even the recent edition which has been updated has only really had extra sections parachuted in to fill the gaps, the rest of the text needs updating and leaves the book feeling rather disjointed.


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