Where's the honey, Honey?

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I am not stacking the emptied supers ready for acetic acid just yet!

Have the HB and Rosebaywillow herb to come yet... bees working autumn raspberry and there is still blackberry bramble in flower
Need a few sunny days in August to get the producers topping the 100kg mark!
All without a bought in bee in sight!

Yeghes da

I hope some of that is lime honey! Also hoping a taste will come my way! I want to show my bees what to look for next season!
I stood and watched the girls last Friday but none of them were wearing wedding gear so Hb not discovered by them...if it is out.

yours will be the first off my production line. Just have to get round to extracting it. Running out of time for beekeeping tasks!
yours will be the first off my production line. Just have to get round to extracting it. Running out of time for beekeeping tasks!

My spoon is at the ready! Yummy.....
You don't seem to give any indication of how much brood is in the deep, or when you piled on extra space for them below the QX (did you need to go brood and a half at that point?) is there any brood in the shallow box?
When did you get the nuc?
Without any specific information, my feeling is that,starting out....whenever... with a nuc, expecting them to expand into a full size strong colony on a brood and a half and drawing out comb in a super is a bit ambitious.
I've never had issues with bees going through an excluder to draw comb in the super - my feeling is they don't need to as they haven't finished in the space below.

BIAS in both boxes but how many frames? Had you kept them in the brood and added the super above an excluder, you'd probably have your honey now. Check both boxes to see how many frames are honey frames, you could always extract some and return for her to lay up. Season will be winding up soon, unless something special comes along.
Season will be winding up soon, unless something special comes along.

I am hoping that as with the last three years the season will extend into late September, no sign of HB as yet,,.... well here in the Tamar Vally!

Yeghes da

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