New Bee
I had a package of bees 2 weeks ago. Ive been feeding them sugar syrup, (1kg sugar to 500ml water), twice a week since. Today, although I topped up the syrup, there was some left. Also, the girls are taking in lots of pollen.
The brood frames now spread over 8 frames, (in a bog-standard national, "packing crate," hive). So, whendo I get rid of the syrup feeder and add frames into the super. At the moment, although the brood frames are filling nicely with worker brood, the 2 end super frames are not yet being developed with wax comb. Thanks.
The brood frames now spread over 8 frames, (in a bog-standard national, "packing crate," hive). So, whendo I get rid of the syrup feeder and add frames into the super. At the moment, although the brood frames are filling nicely with worker brood, the 2 end super frames are not yet being developed with wax comb. Thanks.