I had no takes on my queen right system so tomorrow I will try queenless cell starter.
I use very strong queen right colonies to raise the cells, but often temporarily "queen-less" colonies to start them, the floors have a small entrance in the rear, used to just move and reverse the lower box, but now do as below.
The layout is the floor, brood box with queen, excluder, super, crown board with feed hole and front entrance, super/s, lots of young bees, box full of sealed and emerging brood, spaces for frames of grafts, (plus I often slot a few cells in between the top bars) crown board and feeder on top.
When I want to start grafts the cb hole is covered, completely block the front entrance with a strip of foam and open the rear entrance, then helps to rest a crown board in front to act as a kind of ramp leading to the upper entrance, the bees kind of artificial swarm from the rear of the lower boxes/floor round to the front upper entrance, they return and run straight up the ramp into the entrance. Leave them a couple of hours until they are fanning running around like headless chickens, then add grafts, the following day the started cells are given to the Q+ cell builders, or sometimes some are left until sealed in the starter and then taken to put in the incubator, all depends on how many are needed. To put them back as Q+ the ply is removed from feed hole, and the foam removed from front lower entrance.