Well, I've read this thread twice and I'm as confused as the original poster and most contributors are. The only possible explanation was in a contribution by JMB who said that the bees could try to make a queen cell out of a laying worker's egg, which was said to be doomed to failure by B+. Has this ever happened in anybody's experience or is it just a theoretical possibility?
Other than that possibility, I'm as confused as Tremy as to where eggs for the the QCs could come from.
I've invested so much time reading and re-reading this thread that I need to know the outcome/explanation, Tremyflo, when you've got one.
Maths is so much fun!
and negative numbers is a whole new world......
Yeghes da
ps the answer to Icanhopit's question about the square root of -1, the answer is i or was when I did that stuff 55 years ago.