What's flowering as forage in your area

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It really stresses how different the conditions are across the UK when so many people are talking about still waiting for the ivy. It's been flowering down South here for over 3 weeks, and being well used by my bees.
Ivy pollen still being harvested here out west in the mild conditions - it began mid-September and has given an outstanding crop.
Some gorse is now blooming well in striking distance of my hives but that's it at the moment, apart from some michaelmas daisies that'd already finished and been cut back in my garden, some have decided its good enough to bloom again.
Definitely ivy pollen, I have a thought it’s either a more mature source of ivy plant or the pollen collected from fading flowers is lighter?
Or possibly its
Persian ivy which is out now.
Possibly even moisture in the pollen making it lighter?
What ever it is it’s ivy pollen and a good source at that 👍
Holly, two viburnums and two large mahonias, which seem to be the favourites.
Here in North West Dorset there is still great interest in ivy pollen. Bees are carrying good loads of yellow pollen. Also out after the mahonia. Numbers of bumble bees around but (surprisingly) many significant longer bodied wasps on the ivy. No interest in the gorse or ivy.
Holly, two viburnums and two large mahonias, which seem to be the favourites.
I saw a number of bees on the mahonia in one of the public gardens near me. Thinking of getting a couple for the garden.

My hellebore garden has started blooming, but not seeing bees on them. There is still ivy; they probably prefer that.

Not flowering now and won't be for some time, but I've been pricking out many many foxglove seedlings, from seed I harvested this year from the few wild foxgloves that popped up in the garden.