What you taught me.

Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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did that once waiting for a train at Paddington - the policeman said it was lucky I was in uniform or he'd have booked me


Seems this forum isn't all too popular over there. Better not say anything when I'm around! Or there will be fistycuffs :nono:
There are some nice people on over there, but this is where I come if I want to know something or share something. Over there I generally stick my oar in and pretend I know what I'm talking about ;)
And people don't on here?...............................:D

Ha!! :icon_204-2:

No really! I do sound like I know what I'm chunnering on about. You all taught me well ;) I might even become a bee keeper some day :thanks:
Why is that ?

Beats me! The people here have really taken me under their wing. Everything I know is because of you guys, answering my sometimes daft questions. I recommend this forum to everyone I meet who are into bees :)