As usual some are either totally confused or demonstrating plain stupidity and inability to read.
My post #10, part of which was addressed to 'borderer', should have made it clear, but it seems to have been thought it was all addressed to another; it was then misread or the relevant content ignored. I will not further waste my time answering snide little questions with no relevance to the thread (Frithgar has 4 colonies, a couple of which should likely have been united much earlier. In fact my gut feeling was they should never have been started, but that is for frithgar to ponder in the light of experience).
Selectivity (in what one reads from the posts) and irrelevant postings does not make one much of a positive contributor.
In fact yesterday afternoon I browsed dismop's last 100 postings. I didn't find a lot of useful content at all, really. A lot of one liners, idle gossip - and with very few helpful posts.
I also looked at mine. Biased, I admit, but there were many more useful postings with explanations, where thought necessary for clarity, and arguments for, or against, any particular course of action suggested.
Quoting incorrect and misleading 'facts' seems to be dishmop's real forte. I was thinking here (as one example) of the book in the US (which wasn't even the one being referred to in the text) being offered for $200, whilst there were books actually in Britain for just 9 quid upwards. Really useful advice for any new beeks who might think they are reading good advice! A book on epay selling for twenty quid when some on amazon were just 3 quid. Yes, really sensible use of funds - I am open to offers IRO one hundred thousand pounds for my Morris Minor.
I declined to post further because the information was already posted, relevant to that thread, and if the poster had PM'ed me I would have explained to them. Like I ignored johna when he pointed out a spelling error some pages later in a thread. Like I ignore tbhnot2b, who simply snipes at every opportunity (probably after being demonstrated to be exaggerating, by trying to change 2 x 4.5MW turbines into 3200 x 1MW ones, or something like that).
When some can logically demonstrate a point, without contradicting earlier postings or blatant exaggeration (like johna - profile says beekeeper for 30 years, postings read 40 years (when it suits) - those 'some' might get a little credence accepted by the ardent learners on the forum.
Until then, I would suggest some of these posters should get themselves a basic beekeeping book and actually read it. They might then be able to progress to something more technical - like 'beekeeping for d*****s'.
I hope I make myself clear.