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New Bee
Jan 8, 2017
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So I popped home for lunch and was sat with my sandwich (Cheese & Spring Onion) watching the bee's come and go, whilst my blood pressue receded. However thenext thing i saw was a BUMBLE BEE loitering around near the entrance to my hive, then it entered the hive, but came out within 5-10 seconds, and flew away.

I carried on observing for another 30 minutes and did not see anymore bumble bees!

do i need to speak to my bee's and tell them to double the guards?

PS i have a 150mm (6") wide entrance in the hive?

Any ideas anyone?

Best to All
If the colony is strong enough your blood pressure will be fine, they basically told the bumble to F off, i have seen it happen a couple of times but they never try for a second time, it is the back end of Autumn you need to keep an eye out for when wasps are in search of sugary food.

So I popped home for lunch and was sat with my sandwich (Cheese & Spring Onion) watching the bee's come and go, whilst my blood pressue receded. However thenext thing i saw was a BUMBLE BEE loitering around near the entrance to my hive, then it entered the hive, but came out within 5-10 seconds, and flew away.

I carried on observing for another 30 minutes and did not see anymore bumble bees!

do i need to speak to my bee's and tell them to double the guards?

PS i have a 150mm (6") wide entrance in the hive?

Any ideas anyone?

Best to All
I had a couple of the Eastern Carpenter Bees try to gain entrance to one of my small nucleus colonies a few weeks ago. I saw them enter the hive but were quickly ejected and dispatched by the guards.
I did make the entrance smaller to half it's size after that.
Hi Millet

Thanks for the advice, i shall narrow the height of the entrance to 8/9mm :)
While I was carrying out an inspection last weekend a Bumble came drifting along and landed on the top of a frame, lost its balance and fell into the hive, poor thing. I took out some frames to fish for her but it was too late
Wouldn't worry about it, its a regular occurrence see them on frames all the time some bees just dont bother them. They are not like wasps and and bring all their mates and will destroy a weak colony what they take is miniscule.

Leave the entrance be.
Wouldn't worry about it, its a regular occurrence see them on frames all the time some bees just dont bother them. They are not like wasps and and bring all their mates and will destroy a weak colony what they take is miniscule.

Leave the entrance be.


Bumbles like honey - I often find one will land on a frame that's outside of the hive during inspections or hover round the entrance to the hive attracted by the smell of honey. My girls seem to tolerate them - they must recognise they are not really a threat.

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