What do you do with your honey money?

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Drone Bee
Jun 8, 2020
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Since its the very first year of us having honey from our hives, and with the added bonus of selling some we decided as the jars sold we put the money in a pot. We needed insulation for the two extra hives, bought labels ready for next year and two supers. We still haven't used it all up yet. What do you do with yours?
Holiday, for the big honey producers? :)
Back into the Bank?
Add to it to buy equipment. Foundation etc.
there it always something needs augmenting/ replacing .
In 30 odd years , I’ve yet to break even .
Still , there are few hobbies that help finance themselves. I’m happy with that 😎
Kids ice cream fund., in return for taking eggs, and honey to the end of the lane , collecting the post and walking the dog they get to keep the money…..
only works 5 in 7 days though and then only if the sun is shining but somehow they always manage the collecting the money bit
Kids ice cream fund., in return for taking eggs, and honey to the end of the lane , collecting the post and walking the dog they get to keep the money…..
only works 5 in 7 days though and then only if the sun is shining but somehow they always manage the collecting the money bit
Sounds familiar! Teenagers especially, have it down to a fine art!
I run beekeeping to improve my finances so I can afford my yacht, fast women and faster cars. :cool:
I put mine in a pot which has to be broken to open. All cash payments (some are paid direct to my bank account) have been put in there starting last year. I have no idea how much is in there, its going to be a great surprise when I have to break it open because it's full 🙃
I broke even last year and was actually about £20 into the green. Then I invested in more kit and sank back into the red. I wont quite claw back to green this year and have more kit purchases planned.

But providing the gods of weather and bee prosperity play nicely, I hope one day to reach a position where I can stay in the green and not dip into red anymore. Then I can consider what I might do with excess cash.

I hope to find an apiary site and get some more hives, so I think excess cash day is still years away.

Money was not what motivated me to start, but I do hope to reach the point where I can turn a bit of profit and run things as a proper little business, pay tax etc. The ultimate dream would be to quit the day job and run bees with boys. But they are 2 and 4, so that's a while away yet.

In my first full year of bee keeping I was hammered by kit costs. Especially some of the big items like the extractor. It caused a bit of strife with the miss. Luckily things are better now. But the day I get some excess cash after next years kit purchase, I will give it to the miss and tell her to get something for the boys.
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It will indirectly pay for some of the kit I’ve bought so far but i really fancy using some of it for a blowout meal at The River Cafe. I’ll see if I can get through 5 courses + cheese.

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