What did you do in the 'workshop' today

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Stove on and the lovely smell of beeswax as I made a start rendering the first sack of cleaned cappings. I was doing OK with a few nice blocks of wax cooling down, when I remembered I had a vet's appointment for my dog so I'll get back to it tomorrow.
It's that time of year, so today I've been doing some wrapping. No, not that kind!


I'm not sure I'm quite ready to attempt a full-size car yet, but I don't think the bees will mind the odd wrinkle. It's cost me just over £1.20 per nuc by buying offcuts and if it lasts longer than paint (which wouldn't have to be very long, to be fair; I seem to need to repaint some of my poly nucs at best every other year) then I shall be a happy beekeeper.

It's that time of year, so today I've been doing some wrapping. No, not that kind!


I'm not sure I'm quite ready to attempt a full-size car yet, but I don't think the bees will mind the odd wrinkle. It's cost me just over £1.20 per nuc by buying offcuts and if it lasts longer than paint (which wouldn't have to be very long, to be fair; I seem to need to repaint some of my poly nucs at best every other year) then I shall be a happy beekeeper.

You have been a busy lad, they deffo will not get lost in a crowd. You will have to keep your eye out for camouflage to wrap your out apiary boxes.

It would be handy :) Sadly it obviously depends on what people have left over from their normal jobs (or there are some I've seen that are faulty batches of wrap with creases in or mis-matched colours) hence some of these are going to be visible from space...

Assembled a few Thorne "seconds" brood boxes at the weekend. Not totally impressed with the machining. The rebates that accept the "inner" walls (the ones that carry the frame rails) really weren't wide enough. Not by much -- only 0.5mm or so, but sufficient that it was a nuisance.

This morning I have been applying preservative to the UFEs for my PIR nuc boxes and collected a two-plate electric hob that someone local was offering for free. Now I should be able to melt wax in the workshop rather than risking life and limb by doing it in the kitchen.

This afternoon I think I'm going to have a go at making some 1/2/3-jar boxes from 5.5mm ply for shipping jars of honey in the post.

Assembled a few Thorne "seconds" brood boxes at the weekend. Not totally impressed with the machining. The rebates that accept the "inner" walls (the ones that carry the frame rails) really weren't wide enough. Not by much -- only 0.5mm or so, but sufficient that it was a nuisance.

This morning I have been applying preservative to the UFEs for my PIR nuc boxes and collected a two-plate electric hob that someone local was offering for free. Now I should be able to melt wax in the workshop rather than risking life and limb by doing it in the kitchen.

This afternoon I think I'm going to have a go at making some 1/2/3-jar boxes from 5.5mm ply for shipping jars of honey in the post.

I am surprised you do not make your own, was low cost the reason ?shipping boxes ? you are a gluten for the old punishment or need a reason to keep out of sight.
I am surprised you do not make your own, was low cost the reason ?shipping boxes ? you are a gluten for the old punishment or need a reason to keep out of sight.
Maybe he's not a "gluten", but doesn't like to waste dough! 😂
This afternoon I've been making up a box for storing my InstantVap. Not quite done yet, but hopefully I'll finish it tomorrow after I have fixed the hole in the workshop roof where the wind tore out one of the wrinkly tin sheets overnight, which I sadly didn't spot until I went to shut the chickens in for the night. I'd even been thinking that the winds were nowhere near as bad as the forecast suggested they might be.

On the positive side there's a load more room in the workshop now I've moved the PIR nucs outdoors under their (standard national size) roofs. Plus a couple more roofs that I couldn't find space to store anywhere else.


This afternoon I've been making up a box for storing my InstantVap. Not quite done yet, but hopefully I'll finish it tomorrow after I have fixed the hole in the workshop roof where the wind tore out one of the wrinkly tin sheets overnight, which I sadly didn't spot until I went to shut the chickens in for the night. I'd even been thinking that the winds were nowhere near as bad as the forecast suggested they might be.

On the positive side there's a load more room in the workshop now I've moved the PIR nucs outdoors under their (standard national size) roofs. Plus a couple more roofs that I couldn't find space to store anywhere else.


Currently in said workshop with stove lit and doing the endless tidy ups, frames with comb sat on planer, the odd new floor blocking workbench and my fave job emptying dust xtractor bags. All this after having been out doing flood alleviation work once more, we have had a lot of rain the last 36 hours. Better than sitting on one's backside I suppose. Around 9 the red red wine will be in order Happy new year.
Having watched the instructional videos on the Thorne YouTube channel TWICE, and having nailed together 2 roofs perfectly, it is still possible to put a National roof together incorrectly.
well hopefully, all youve done is put the sides together 'inside-out' which is an improvement to the original design as you don't want or need vents anyway.