Moved a mated Queen from a Nuc into a full brood box, they are only on four frames of brood and stores but the weather is nice and when the Queen gets going these bees sharp fill the frames,i could have left it another week but it is going to a new home on Saturday so it will give the bees time to stick everything together for there journey.
Also went through a Queenless double brood split that has a frame of danish eggs in each, removed many queen cells and left each split with one Queen cell, nicked a frame of stores from one of the splits for another Nuc with a newly mated Queen.
The weather has been glorious and the bees have been behaving like little babies, no veil needed for a couple of colonies but just to be on the safe side i wore it and these Oz Armour bee suits come into there own with weather like this, it is the first time today that i have inspected the hives with bare skin under the jacket.. Amazing.