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Sad to hear this Goran, your contribution has always been very interesting and I agree with VM, you're an asset to this community.
Keep a couple of hives to supply yourself with honey at least and try to drop by now and then?
Wishing you health and happiness for the future.
Sorry to hear that you are moving on, Goran - the forum will be a poorer place without you. Wishing you the very best of health, happiness and luck in your next venture.
I shall miss your pictures and snippets of Croatian beekeeping. I hope you keep a few colonies just as a hobby and stay in touch.
..won't post much, cause now have to move on other things ( not beekeeping), that's life. I learned some things here, improved my "tarzan english" a bit and hopefully weren't annoying too much..
I know you've had a really bad year, with floods and so on. It's been great being abls to share beekeeping success stories and beekeeping woes with you in chat. I do hope you don't completely disappear from the forum. :)
Don't worry, I am not in minus with my bees, on the contrary. But not enough for decent living ( this season all forages were devastated by catastrophic weather and failed hard..) . So have to go to more lucrative job.
The very best of luck with your new job, Goran. I'm sure you will succeed.
Repaired camera, somehow for some time.. :paparazzi:
But won't post much, cause now have to move on other things ( not beekeeping), that's life. I learned some things here, improved my "tarzan english" a bit and hopefully weren't annoying too much..

I wish You all buckets full of honey :)

"Good morning, and in case I don't see ya: Good afternoon, good evening, and good night!" :leaving:

I've enjoyed your posts Goran. Hope you keep a couple of hives and pop in now and again.
Repaired camera, somehow for some time.. :paparazzi:
But won't post much, cause now have to move on other things ( not beekeeping), that's life. I learned some things here, improved my "tarzan english" a bit and hopefully weren't annoying too much..

I wish You all buckets full of honey :)

"Good morning, and in case I don't see ya: Good afternoon, good evening, and good night!" :leaving:
All the best in your new job, hope it goes well, and you are happy!
Hi Goran,
Sorry that you have to give it up on a commercial basis. However, it is addictive so I look forward to your musings on a more infrequent basis. Best wishes for the future.
Sorry to hear you are leaving the forum Goran. I think you were the first person I contacted in the chat room offering me lots of good advice. Wishing you every success in what ever you do.
Getting ready to get my first honey from my first hive!!

Congratulations!! Always a very exciting time :)

Today, I was invited again to help out at Dustys hives. We had a look through Hive 2 first, popped on a clearer board for a super, and checked to see if madam was laying after marking her last week. All good :)

Hive 1, no sign of a queen, so we gave them a frame of eggs to see what they make of those. Plenty of pollen ready for when they need it, and a nice, calm colony. Calmer than Hive 2, although they weren't making much of a fuss.

Met the cat, and saw some cool equipment. Lost about 3 stone through sweating and had a really nice time :) Been invited back again so getting lots of experience ready for when I get bees of my own again. I have my confidence again, which is brilliant!

Thank you Dusty. I really can't say it enough :)
Extracted my first super of the season only (hopefully) 16 to go.

Saw a Q on the floor outside one of my hives in the garden. Picked her up and put her on the landing board and watched for a while...... nothing. decided to clip and mark her so went and got my gear on came back, gone! Think she went indoors.....

Ordered an extractor.
On the spur of the moment I put out a bait hive in the garden this morning. I don't expect to get a swarm this late in the season but it is possible. More out of interest than the need for any more bees!
extracted 250 pounds of borage honey and threw a drone laying hive in the dike [ WELL NOT LITERALY} just the bees and within 10 mins they had all begged there way in another hive
Took another three supers of lime off, another five to come! thank god for my electric muck truck, it goes up and down by mountain side with all the full supers on board. Redesigned my honey label, looked at my store of honey and felt..... Very satisfied with my girls! Got a clean bill of health from the bee inspector a couple of days ago so all is well!
Got stung by a straggler last night while extracting, she flew up my T shirt. Took the supers back to the bees today and watched a few Swallows picking off my girls.
Saw a wasp land on the top bars and immediately get mobbed and killed by the bees during an inspection. Got a photo of it too!