What did you do in the Apiary today?

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It was on the corner of the roof of a house and owner was freaked out.
Just as I got there the bees decided to move and clustered on a fence post. I brushed the majority into a box. I then strapped the box to the fence and the bees obligingly marched into it. Its now in a nuc box in out apiary.
Now do I feed them?

I would, just a couple of litres of 1:1 to tide them over and give them a start building comb ... after that they should be fine on their own foraging.
Walking down to the Apiary. I passed under two apple trees and stood for a few minutes listening to the hum of my bees going about their business in the blossom above my head. The trees were heaving with bees.
It was on the corner of the roof of a house and owner was freaked out.
Just as I got there the bees decided to move and clustered on a fence post. I brushed the majority into a box. I then strapped the box to the fence and the bees obligingly marched into it. Its now in a nuc box in out apiary.
Now do I feed them?

Recommended to leave them to their own devices for a day or two so any food in their stomachs is used up. Helps avoid disease transfer.
After arriving back from a business trip a quick check on 10 hives, all looking strong. Made a note to add 4th super to some of them!
Yday actually. Much nicer weather than forecast. All hives busy doing orientation flights, including some drones from one hive as encouragement for all those with QC. Got rid off small amount of left over syrup in two frames left over from winter stores in a colony which needed feeding due to heavy brood rearing and change in the weather. Waste not want not - should have been Yorkshire.
Dodged the showers today to try and get AS done. Managed to spot the Q in Hive 2 so whipped that frame out into a fresh box of foundation and put the snelgrove board in. Broke down a couple of charged QC in the mother box and removed some burr comb hanging from the other frames which was getting in the way of the snelgrove board. The bees were getting quite cross by this time and it was beginning to rain, so waiting for the flyers to go into the bottom box wasn't really an option. After copping a sting to the finger I decided to close up. Tomorrow's forecast seems a bit brighter, so I'll go back, finish checking the mother box for QC and hopefully get an AS done on the other colony.
It's the first AS I've done all by myself so although I found it a bit nerve-racking (and worried I've forgotten something or done something awful) I felt quite pleased as normally I'm crap at spotting the queen. She did have the remnants of a red dot but it had mostly worn off - and no I didn't have a pen with me to re-do it, must add to shopping list.
just checked the hives all doing well but the one small hive that i was going to unite two weeks ago has grown so much that i have just had to put a super on it happy days
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Decided on Demaree manipulation of third colony (other two have been artificially swarmed). Single National deep pretty full of bees and 8 frames BIAS; drones and queen cups. OSR flow on. Want to maximise honey crop, avoid swarming but avoid increase. So, seemed like a good time to go for it. All in place: Q with frame I found her on in new BB with frames of foundation; QE, 2 supers; QE; "old" BB with brood frames; clear cover board ; roof. Just hoping for good weather when I return on Sunday to check for EQC in top brood box. Not tried this technique before and hoping for the best!
We demaree-ed them yesterday since first chance of a decent spring harvest for a few years. Going to try to push raising a new queen or 2 back to later in the year. No probs with the manipulation but they are definitely tetchy today. I've been avoiding the neighbours all afternoon. Left an exit hole for the drones in the old brood box (on top now) -presumably they're now feeling a bit queenless up there.
Checked progress on hives since I added another bb of undrawn foundation to both 10 days ago
All frames drawn in the most Illuminous yellow wax,looked like a high viz jacket was used,guess it was dandelion induced
Hive busy so hopefully q will be happy with the new digs and hang around for the summer
Checked bait hive and removed a golf ball sized wasps nest stuck to the underside of the roof,first cells were drawn so I guess she was ready to start raising brood
Off now to make some spare bb and supers and a few Perspex crown boards
Went to have a look at one colony and I ALWAYS look at a neighbour's little apple tree, because when they swarm they always go there. So paranoid, I check even in the dead of winter...

Anyway, guess what? A swarm. They were happy to go into the box (I have precious few left, may have to resort to supers if I have to split all of them) and I moved them tonight.

Then found another had swarmed, and then gone back to the same hive with the queen UNDER the floor. I know she was there, as there were three or four small bits of comb, one of which was partially sealed brood. That was a pain in the derriere.

Looked in a few others. Must have nearly 5 or 6 supers of honey already. Some boxes were there over winter, but most had no stores. Never had so much so early, so apart from everything that is out, I wonder if there is a little rape a bit closer than before. We'll find out soon enough.

Have a warré (almost) ready to go, which I might put my swarm (or any subsequent –mine or others) into as I'd a) like to try it and b) would like a source of nice wax. I know, I will probably hate it, but if I do, I'll pass it on to someone else who might like it.

Have realised my hive records are awful as I have been using an electronic version, but may resort to paper and pen as I forget to update it regularly enough.
Sounds bad , can we help ?

That's kind, thanks, and the forum is always fantastic for specific questions. It's more a general thing; so much to think about and fear at this time of the year. Is that a QC or a long drone cell at the bottom of the frame? Intrusive inspections every week and G*d-what-if-I-miss-one. Why can't I see a thing through this veil? G*d how many frames do I have to make up? etc. etc. I'll be OK: thanks.