What did you do in the Apiary today?

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Helped out at The Association apiary yesterday, caught up with some folks I hadn't seen for a while. Went to shake out a Q- nuc and harvest the honey at my out apiary. Had a quick check through and found eggs! They were all at the bottom of the cells slightly off vertical so I'm guessing a couple of days old. I'll check again at the end of the week when they're capped to make sure they're workers. If so, I'll have a nuc up for sale.
Happy Days.


Checked my new swarm

Recovered a swarm on saturday, put 500ml of sugar syrup on yesterday, checked today and it was gone. Just put 600ml on. Guess I will be doing the same tomorrow!! I put some foam in the feeder as a float and so far no drowned bees, they even sat on it while I poured the new syrup in.
Watched the rain. I need to do a manipulation this pm- queen rearing. Hope it stops..

Umbrella on long stalk at ready.
spent most of the day extracting - spent half an hour this evening at the home apiary clearing an area for another hive stand - had to do it late: choice between irate bees and a cloud of gnats
First queen catch. we harvested and had to jack as it was raining, and i mean raining!! oh well, there is always tomorrow.
Not sure if this is "apiary" or "workshop". Tomorrow the queen breeder says I can pick up the virgin queens, so I'm doing final preparation on the mini mating hives.

Added starter strips to the top-bar plate...

Added honey/sugar mixture to the bottom of the mating hive...

Covered it with some newspaper to prevent the bees from sticking to it...

Plugged the hole where the queen cage will go into...

Plugged the flight opening, which will remain closed for 3 days...

And hoping that the wet varnish that was supposed to be dry in 6 hours but which still isn't dry after 60 hours will be drier in the morning. Don't you hate it when you can't trust the drying times printed on the can?

Tomorrow I'll give some nurse bees the acid treatment and pour them into these boxes before picking up the virgin queens.
Recovered a swarm on saturday, put 500ml of sugar syrup on yesterday, checked today and it was gone. Just put 600ml on. Guess I will be doing the same tomorrow!! I put some foam in the feeder as a float and so far no drowned bees, they even sat on it while I poured the new syrup in.

Get a good feeder.

Checked all mine today,wasn't looking forward to it,but they were reasonably chilled out considering they haven't been able to get out for the last 4 days. After a few drama's earlier on in the season,all apart from 1 colony are now queen right with good laying queens (the one q- colony is an AS i did last week,still waiting for the virgin to emerge)

They are all a bit lighter than last week due to the dire weather but seem in very good shape.If my maths is right they should all be nice and strong for the start of my target crop of balsam which comes into flower at the beginning of August.

Varroa loads seem pretty low too,probably due to the fact that all my colonies have gone through a broodless period.

Things should become a little less hectic now and hopefully my only duties will be to keep on piling on the supers!

Gone from 4 to 7 colonies this year.:cool:

Happy bunny:winner1st:
I had 2 marked queens in one hive.. Most likely swarm came into honey super.. I think I don't miss any queens from other colonies.. Maybe from neighbouring apiaries.. Anyway I split it and this new " blondie" will be replaced soon..
Extracted the last of my spring crop 35lb from a demaree BB and half a super all from 1 hive
They are building up at a rate so if we get the weather in July it'll be interesting to see what they can achieve
Been a great start of the year
Did the three 'urgent' inspections this afternoon, the most important being taking down a load of QC's in a Demarree. soooo - after careful monitoring of half a dozen nowcasts got kitted up and went for it as the clouds parted and the sun peeped through armed with a handful of crown boards just in case; first was in the torrential rain (Thank goodness for the crownboards) second in heavy drizzle and the last I managed to close up as the heavens opened. Thanks to tree/hedge cover the hives didn't get too much but I was drenched. Best outcome was that the queen I thought I might have killed/died a fortnight ago is back laying again.
Went indoors and bottled up a load of spring honey - could have done with another day or so in the settling tank but people are desperate for local honey and I've promised to deliver to my new butcher tomorrow morning.
Spent far too long looking for and not finding a queen in preparation for AS. I wouldnt mind but she's marked! Huge numbers! They're not far on building the occupied QCs so I hope I have a couple of days. Set up a nuc box as bait meanwhile.
Qcells on bars.. 4th breeding colony I think I messed some.. Fondant on top, honey syrup in feeder.. 4kg of pollen rich honey today for feeding.. Pollen frames in..

Next turn should be better.

Learnt that QCs are easier to spot when they're open. I am messing up big time this year...
Spent Tuesday hiving up 6 NUCs that had outgrown their boxes. Fed several swarms in the isolation area who had not had time to collect nectar before the foul weather.
Dodging heavy showers is becoming a real pain!!!
not in the apiary but around it.
Have huge swathes of bramble about to come into flower, the bumbles are really busy on the first opening flowers, so expecting a good flow soon [weather permitting!]
Just negotiated a new apiary .... 5 minutes from home... A south facing position in an old pit...secluded and sheltered