What did you do in the Apiary today?

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Checked all 3 news queens and our breeder queen and all are laying well, looking forward to using the breeder now to produce F1 queens.
Released 3 queens that I marked while I could see them into 3 set up nucs so I hope they make it back from their mating flights before the sparrows see the bullseye painted on their thorax
2pm as I left for work had a sizeable swarm go into 5 frame nuc I hid in a blackthorn bush,will sort that out later
3rd swarm this week,someone's bleeding bees at an awful rate,if I knew who they could have them back as I'm full up
Removed 2full supers so I'll extract them later too and tomorrow morning have another two supers to clear
Been a great start to the year over here
Not in the apiary but in the garden one beech tree hummed so loudly it sounded like it might take off. I could see bumbles but no honeybees. The hedge underneath was sticky with honeydew.
Had a productive evening.

Captured a small swarm in a bait hive. 4 frame of bees so will fill a nuc nicely. They have stayed put for the time being. Will check tomorrow for the queen but pretty sure they are mine, probably unmarked from the queen castle that I have been experimenting with (not very well)!

Managed to get a local welsh black virgin accepted into a nuc so will use that to breed a few hybrids later in the year. The buckfast killed the other one.

My first nuc of the year was bursting at the seams so they have gone into a full hive.

Supers are being capped all over the place.

Started the year with 4 big, healthy colonies.

Now have 5 big healthy honey producers with 2015 queens, 5 small but rapidly building colonies with 2016 queens (all on between 6-9 frame of brood) that will be ready for the main flow on 2016 queens, 1 nuc virgin, 1 nuc with mated 2016 queen and a queen castle with 3 x 3 frame colonies awaiting virgins to emerge.

All created organically in addition to at least 9 full and nearly capped supers.

Its been some spring!!

are they all like this??

My plan is to run 5 x honey hives each year with queens from the previous year then use the 2 year old queens to make splits and breed for the following years honey producers.

does anybody else use a similar system??
My plan is to run 5 x honey hives each year with queens from the previous year then use the 2 year old queens to make splits and breed for the following years honey producers.

does anybody else use a similar system??

Ah, plans - I remember those :D

Today, just went over a few rolling demarrees and checked which supers will be coming off Sunday for extraction. Fingers itching now to go into the first batch of nucs Awaiting queen mating but I think I'll give it to the weekend or even next Wednesday. They're looking pretty good actually so fingers crossed.
Went into shed #3 to check the clearer boards are easily accessible.
So if all beekeepers are grumpy old men what about the ladies.? Now you can let it rip!!!

Hmmm....but you just said 'all beekeepers are grumpy old men' hence no ladies at all....perhaps we are ready for new title.
Ideas anyone?
She did struggle for a while, didn't she? :icon_204-2:

She is beautiful.....but I agree with Ericalfbee.....you were a meanie....she was waving those legs begging for some some help...any help. Great video too.
Got home 10pm added 4 frames foundation to new residents of blackthorn bait hive
Extracted the two supers for a 35 pound haul.Just finished jarring it up(it can settle in the jars).Have orders of 30 jars for tomorrow,they've been waiting in the wings having been told by doctors to find a local beekeeper with honey to aid the fight against hay fever
Another 2 hives supers to be cleared tomorrow
A beer never tasted so good
I checked my new superbee queen residing in the garden apiary. She is laying beautifully. There are three full super above her - having expanded from two hives at the beginning of last year to 7 plus extra hives for a/s I am now completely out of kit. Not even got a super left. So placed an order for some poly stuff - which arrived yesterday ready in 6 massive boxes. No hope of hiding it from OH but I have been complaining at every opportunity how much kit all these hives have used up. Being poly I won't need to spend hours and hours building it all. I should paint it though....
Today I'm going to check farm apiary to see if the other two superbees are laying. Every other superbee from the batch (we bought 7) is now laying so these two should be.
Am itching to look in apidea at the supervirgins - so may have a quick peek.
I checked my new superbee queen residing in the garden apiary. She is laying beautifully. There are three full super above her - having expanded from two hives at the beginning of last year to 7 plus extra hives for a/s I am now completely out of kit. Not even got a super left. So placed an order for some poly stuff - which arrived yesterday ready in 6 massive boxes. No hope of hiding it from OH but I have been complaining at every opportunity how much kit all these hives have used up. Being poly I won't need to spend hours and hours building it all. I should paint it though....
Today I'm going to check farm apiary to see if the other two superbees are laying. Every other superbee from the batch (we bought 7) is now laying so these two should be.
Am itching to look in apidea at the supervirgins - so may have a quick peek.

Are your bees collecting lime this year?
What type of poly did you decide on? You must have loads of colonies now.....I can just about manage 4 main colonies and 4 nucs. I have extra kit but I want it to continue to be a pleasure...not work. Made a mistake at the last inspection...the weather was cloudy and a cool wind so left my jumper on under my suit....halfway through the sun came out...wind dropped and we sweltered! I'm glad your new venture is getting off the ground....if they had been carnies...I would have joined in.