What did you do in the Apiary today?

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Today only some higher snow..
Ice rain later today started, temps gone higher ( liitle less than zero). Bees seems undisturbed..


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I have a small mite drop, but they are still dropping, I think someone keeps putting them in there when i'm not looking lol, apart from that there's nothing to do as its been peeing down and blowing a hooligan for 6 days solid, I was wanting to sort the fence out around the hive location and make it more secure in case beast get put in the field when this rain stops and the fields dry up.
Waiting to relocate 8 hives to temporary apiary, while i rebuild and modify the old one, but weather has been so bad for so long i really am loosing the will!!!
This is the dirtiest, wettest and mildest winter i have ever experienced. However it looks like cooling down next week, with a foreign word "frosts", There, i said it now, so it will never happen!!:drool5:bee-smillie
Based on a bit of chewed brood on the inspection boards, it looks like a recent downturn in pollen availability has caught some of my broodier colonies a bit short. Actually good news because with any luck it opens up a break for one that is dropping a couple of mites too many,
All hives vaped today....job done. Inspection boards in....then we will know the efficacy of my varroa control methods.
I left them shut in for an hour....interesting how some colonies boiled out of the hive to sit fanning on the fronts and others did...nothing! And I know they are in there as I saw them yesterday.

'Cos the farrier arrived and I had to go to supervise the horses being seen to. Usually...I have released them as soon as the whole Bee Yard is done....not possible today. Still I suppose there was more chance of them rubbing together and spreading the OA around the colony. I will have to go back to put the entrance reducers back in later today.....I was able to do some hives already but most of them had lots of bees around the entrances.
All hives vaped yesterday.
Drops from 50 to zero
That's it....till springtime
I noticed the crocuses are showing in the apiary :(
Goodies arriving by post today...not had time to open them yet...so now will have to wait til all the animals are fed watered and bedded down. I must say that Mannlake is very quick....and even rang me to check the order as one item not often ordered...apparently.
Went outside heading for the stables to go for a ride but it was starting to rain so I went into the workshop and made a spare Kingspan hive cozy instead.
Releveled the slabs my hive stands sit on. Made up a long stand for nucs, and painted the top bar hives with preserver.

I need to do this. What did you do with the hives whilst you were relaying the slabs, and did you need to wear protection against angry winter bees?

@whitehall . Just moved hives to the side of slab. Did not wear protection as it was coldish and foggy, with no bees flying. A few came out to investigate though.
and even rang me to check the order as one item not often ordered...apparently.

Wot! You ordered a beehive or something?:icon_204-2:
Vaped two hive that we have at home, put the inspection boards in to see the drop I'll get. The rest are hopefully getting down this afternoon.