What did you do in the Apiary today?

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Tried to work out why mice seem to have taken a liking to the correx varroa monitoring trays.
Gave my light hive a big chunk of cling-film wrapped then slashed fondant (in an Apiguard eke).
They weren't flying ... at least until I lifted the coverboard ... when I got quite a welcome.
Feels like spring

Made another visit to my bees bit paranoid after the recent theft of two of my hives, bees flying well working the snowdrops and Heather in my father's garden small amounts of pollen going in. Feels like spring, winter not over yet tho !!
Fed a polynuc with fondant, checked other .... Better... Apiary I have , 2 cedar nationals. Both very active, even some returning with minimal white pollen in their baskets... Great to see :)

I can't wait for the onset of real spring and first forage
Slipped up the carreg apiary for a quick check - it's a bit higher and colder up there but a few bees flying.
Went to the association apiary - all my charges out in force, topped up fondant on one - others may need a bit in a weeek or so. Not such good news from the other apiary tenants - looks like the feral beekeeper has three deadout (poor bees) and I sealed up three nucs 'temporarily' lodged at the apiary since last year which have died out - looks like failed queens in two and a starved out colony (owner has a few domestic commitments at the moment)
Went back to the home apiary and could hear the bees from the bottom of the garden - 200 yards or so away all fling strongly, loads of orientation flights and bees redecorating the jeep!
Daily wander up to the apiary to see all 6 colonies flying like it was a warm spring day, at 8 deg c. Cluster flies covering the walls of the bungalow already!!
Took mouse guard off poly hive (temporarily) as they were the only ones not out and flying in this glorious wheather. Did the trick as they need to cleanse themselves!
Moved 4 hives from home apiary to a nearby farm... spread the forage area for them. Checked all 21... still look good. Entrances clear, and a little pollen coming in.
AND the very last of all equipment cleaned and ready for Spring. Phew.
I relished the bright fresh day - full sunshine in Suffolk today - and watched my girls kicking out the dead and the dross and nipping off for a cleanse. Saw one or two come back with little yellow pollen sacs! - plenty of winter aconite nearby.
Just emptied out a dead top bar hive
Suspect it to be dead a good while,
Recovered 25lb approx capped stores
Not many bees on floor considering I thought it to be my most active foraging hive,
Getting antsy

Having seen that people are visiting their bees and finding that the bees have died.....my fears have tripled! A quick peak under the roof through the clear cover boards confirmed the bees were alive and well. Munching their way through the fondant. Not time yet to add more....but feel much reassured. Yes I know.....looking won't change things if they are doomed but with only 3 hives...they are very precious. Everyone staying at home today...it is dull, cool and overcast.
Was that a 'natural bee keeping' colony or did you treat for varroa?

it was probably too natural,it was a swarm caught and left to their own devices.I didnt inspect and didn't treat as they had drawn comb wildly.i planned on sorting out the mess this spring
Hi Tony

I found the Oxalic to be a great method of drastially reducing mites, that and a fondant feed would have increased survival chances I reckon. Isn't hindsight great !!
Just emptied out a dead top bar hive
Suspect it to be dead a good while,
Recovered 25lb approx capped stores
Not many bees on floor considering I thought it to be my most active foraging hive,

wouldn't have needed fondant as the dead colony had 25lb of capped stores.
wouldn't have needed fondant as the dead colony had 25lb of capped stores.

Indeed, who says I dont pay attention !! :)

Capped stores on periphery ? Could they access without breaking the cluster and having to clamber across frames ? Though the Oxalic acid would in my opinion been essential as not treated previously, I am a real convert seeing the mite drop I had on all colonies after administering.