What did you do in the Apiary today?

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But it wasn't the Florida Keys that Arlo had in his bag (don't touch it if you please, Mr Jenkins) while "Flying into Los Angeleees" …

Today my mind wasn't altered so much as taxed (or punitively assessed) by trying to identify pollen.
I can now spot Ivy, but really not sure about the difference between Gorse and OSR … under a microscope. Eyes and brain now about to fall aslee
Finished harvest yesterday. A bit later than usual, but I've been working with part time help all summer. The crop is much better than last year, but down a bit from my traditional averages. Still have a day of extracting, and lots of comb to cut, but the crop totals to about 23 tons of extracted and 3 tons of cut comb.
Finished harvest yesterday. A bit later than usual, but I've been working with part time help all summer. The crop is much better than last year, but down a bit from my traditional averages. Still have a day of extracting, and lots of comb to cut, but the crop totals to about 23 tons of extracted and 3 tons of cut comb.

23 tons of honey and 3 ton of comb!! Jesus, you'll be busy with that. Yields I can only dream about! How many hives you get this harvest from ?
Finished harvest yesterday. A bit later than usual, but I've been working with part time help all summer. The crop is much better than last year, but down a bit from my traditional averages. Still have a day of extracting, and lots of comb to cut, but the crop totals to about 23 tons of extracted and 3 tons of cut comb.
You won't be selling that by the jar, then.
Or do you bottle it yourself?
Finished harvest yesterday. A bit later than usual, but I've been working with part time help all summer. The crop is much better than last year, but down a bit from my traditional averages. Still have a day of extracting, and lots of comb to cut, but the crop totals to about 23 tons of extracted and 3 tons of cut comb.

What is your average lbs / hive ?

I'm not going to assume 700 production hives?

I managed 91 lbs / hive average this year which is my best so far. It was split almost 50:50 between Spring harvest (mainly OSR) and late Summer harvest.
brought hives from heather.. very pleased with them took 6 looks like I will get 2 supers capped per hive
You won't be selling that by the jar, then.
Or do you bottle it yourself?

No, I don't bottle it. It would mean another employee, a delivery vehicle, and warehousing pallets of expensive jars...and labels, etc. I sell it to other beekeepers. They want to have a beekeeping business, get customers, and can't make honey. They think it's so easy, when they made such a nice crop from their first 10 colonies. Then they go to 200 or 300 or more and do the math in their head. Looks good until they actually try to make it. The math never works out.
Screwed eyelets into the floors of all hives today, so I could "accurately" weigh the hives to check stores. I previously had a hole drilled, and used a bolt to insert, but eyelet is easier with heavy weights. The weight of too hives was down, I assume they've not been out, so feeders on, and feeding.

Bees very active today, and a lot or bright yellow pollen going in.

First jars of the year, given to neighbours, and the current land owner "as rent" for the hives for the next year!

Labelled jars for the office For Sale, because I've had staff chasing me for this years honey, fixed the Local Honey sign which broke last year!

I'm definately going to need an Retail outlet this year for the honey, as I've got a lot!

Returned Clean Extractor to Mentor (that no longer keeps Bees!), they may decide to sell it, or I can loan again next year!
Proved that cappings are the perfect float in a fast feeder. Not a single drowned bee and up in there like a shot. Rather pleased with that.

Named my Q who hopefully emerged today in 1D "Quinn" for the equinox and the Glee character.
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Checked on 2A, which had a mite drop and got 2 trays of Apiguard. They're not happy, fanning at the entrance, but happier than the mites, which are already falling in large numbers. Phew: a close one, I reckon.

1E, with a 2 August Queen, is taking 2kg of sugar a day in 2:1; the cappings in a fast feeder trick is a good one.