What did you do in the Apiary today?

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How about brown with a green top?
I made quick check of few hives, gave these fondants on top. Also received first bee venom treatment ( almost in eye-in eyelid) for this year. I always say don't hurry but never listen to myself.. And got what I deserve..
Nothing in the apiary but I put these out this afternoon to clear some space in the kitchen and there were bees all over them in half an hour
Did a bit of an apiary stocktake (kit, not bees as I didn't have time to count them all!) in readiness for my convention shopping list foundation mostly, but also making sure I'm alll kitted out for my three year plan!) a few bees flying even in this damp weather - a lot more flying from the native bee colonies than the Buckfasts. I've managed to convince SWMBO that she wouldn't like a day at the convention - always being badgered by the bee inspectors who remember her when she was I/C the Welsh Government bee budget. Luckily I won't be buying much so I won't need help in carrying it back to the car :D
enrico is right :)

There is a large willow tree by the pond with massive catkins just starting. Pleased to see some ginger bees on the ones that are open.
I noticed quite a few in the water (catkins not bees) and wondered why.
The field camera revealed that the bloomin squirrels are getting them !!!!!!!!
I'd like to know what sort of willow it is so I'll post a snap tomorrow
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Prepared some more tubs (take-away cartons) of Neopol for the hive checks tomorrow.

Then finished off labeling Jars for a delivery tomorrow to a local village shop I visited last week, They initially said that they didn't want to take any as the honey they had (from another beek) wasn't selling. In the end they took 4 jars as they thought it looked good when they saw my labels. Got a call 3 days ago to say they had sold all my jars and wanted more! :hurray:
Didn't do anything today, but did see bees returning to a feral colony about a mile from our apiary - looks like they may make it through the winter.
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