What did you do in the Apiary today?

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Busy day today, I got a bit behind due to illness and life in general. All supers are off and hives in winter configuration. Needed to feed all colonies, one nuc was running on fumes. Hopefully the ivy will produce once it’s rained. My star colony still has 12 frames of brood. They have been amazing this year, providing brood and bees for three new colonies and filling 4 supers. I would like to raise some queens from them next year. Will start varroa treatment this week once a new battery arrives for the varrox.
Went out to add feeders and check the others before the rain comes. Some empty, some ignored, most single broods had all their stores above them in the supers and had very little in the brood box. The colonies are still looking numerous, a couple of double broods not fed as they are already hefting very heavy.
A nice ivy flow now will round off an unbelievable season, without doubt the most laid back I've ever had.
Apiguard nearly completed, numbers have plummeted. Not as many wasps. Put sugar syrup on but only once hive interested. They are far lighter than this time last year.
Just curious as to what beeks thoughts are as to how best to proceed, I did the first round of oxalic treatment last Tuesday and the second round on Sunday which leaves me to do the third this Friday which I don't think I'm going to have time to complete. Am I best going for Thursday or Saturday instead? I might do a fourth round to be sure though.

Last night also put the first coat of green paint on what would be the last bit of Abelo poly I have that was either blue or yellow. I've been slowly rotating kit out during the season and painted them leaf green, the broods and supers also got clipped at the gulley ends to allow the water to escape. Might paint the traffic light green kit of Abelos as well as not fond of that shade.

This evening started the summer honey extraction, been finding any reason to not begin but needs must.
Just curious as to what beeks thoughts are as to how best to proceed, I did the first round of oxalic treatment last Tuesday and the second round on Sunday which leaves me to do the third this Friday which I don't think I'm going to have time to complete. Am I best going for Thursday or Saturday instead? I might do a fourth round to be sure though.

Last night also put the first coat of green paint on what would be the last bit of Abelo poly I have that was either blue or yellow. I've been slowly rotating kit out during the season and painted them leaf green, the broods and supers also got clipped at the gulley ends to allow the water to escape. Might paint the traffic light green kit of Abelos as well as not fond of that shade.

This evening started the summer honey extraction, been finding any reason to not begin but needs must.
do it Thursday then do the fourth four, not five days later
Still melting around 30 celsius, but some things can't postpone.. I was totally wet.. Some weather change - maybe from tomorrow.. Will see.. Hornets are pressing hard, found 7-8 dead in the hives.. Practicing tennis while I walk between hives.. Hazelnuts harvest is here.. Still no time for rest.. Someone says in work is salvation.. so, no worries..
Still melting around 30 celsius, but some things can't postpone.. I was totally wet.. Some weather change - maybe from tomorrow.. Will see.. Hornets are pressing hard, found 7-8 dead in the hives.. Practicing tennis while I walk between hives.. Hazelnuts harvest is here.. Still no time for rest.. Someone says in work is salvation.. so, no worries..
Keep smiling Goran👍🐝🤗
I had quite a few bees left after using my rhombus overnight when I went this morning. My error was not leaving sufficient space underneath. 50mm just not enough when the hive is full of bees. Ok elsewhere. Lesson learned.
Empty Super or bb will do the job until you get round to adding some depth.
Sometimes they do wander back in when the show is over though
Surprised by the amount of flying today in the rain as I started topping up feeders, then it started to pour. Two cones had popped so I'll sort that out next time, too wet today. Some empty some ignored.
Went home to finish the last frames of cut comb and the sun came out. I'm getting five pieces ranging from eight to nine ounces from one frame and this super was on eleven frame spacing. Combs weighing in at four and a half pounds each and a nice change in honey from gold to amber working through the frames.
Vaped 2 hives from the top this time through a hole drilled in an eke. Will be interesting to see what the 24 hour drop is. Both had about 4 frames of stores when we inspected and weighed last weekend so will give it a couple of weeks, weigh again and see what feeding they need to complete winter preps. Hive 3 is now a nuc after suffering varroa overload Which took them to the brink of death. Wanted to save it as it’s the only one with a local mongrel queen. After vaping and giving them a frame of emerging brood, queen looks to be laying well again.
Surprised by the amount of flying today in the rain as I started topping up feeders, then it started to pour. Two cones had popped so I'll sort that out next time, too wet today. Some empty some ignored.
Went home to finish the last frames of cut comb and the sun came out. I'm getting five pieces ranging from eight to nine ounces from one frame and this super was on eleven frame spacing. Combs weighing in at four and a half pounds each and a nice change in honey from gold to amber working through the frames.
The bees were working the balsam furiously despite the squalls .
ias I carrıed qplacing fast feeders above the crown boards . As they were filled with drained cappings , I carried on stoically.
Finished extracting the last few supers. Very pleased with this year’s honey harvest. Cleaned and dismantled the extractor ready for storage in the loft, until next year.
Not my apiary but an assocation meeting. Lovely and warm, bees flying and pollen going in so we had a look at the two hives and managed to get both queens marked so next year made easier. Nice bit of brood in all stages. Stores looked good too. Grand afternoon.
I've also finished extraction and clearing up today. This year's harvest is now sitting in buckets in the kitchen :)

Yesterday I visited someone who is interested in providing a site for an out apiary. Quite a mind-boggling house with lots of sandstone and marble that appears to be undergoing significant renovation with a large acreage of garden and pasture on the edge of a nearby village. My favoured site would be at the top of a gentle south-facing slope with a dense hedge to the north and easy access from the road the other side, but some "discouragement" will need to be provided to persuade the sheep to keep their distance. The owner has an interest in using some wax and possibly also propolis from any hives on the site too, so it might work out nicely.
