I am currently using foundationless frames made with fishing line, using the "2 nail" method used in this video, and find it very easy to do, and the results are excellent.
Just make sure your hive stands are completely level in all directions so the comb is drawn down vertically.
I use something similar for my swarm boxes but instead of 4 nails I use 2 drawing pins on the outside of the side bars. I have ordered some wire this year for a change.Thanks for this, BB. It looks much easier than the method Stan devised.
Thanks for this, BB. It looks much easier than the method Stan devised.
Sounds they’re doing really well and good job spotting that queen cell! When you added the 2nd box did you move some brood up into it? I find this helps move the bees and nurses up into the second box and the queen soon moves onto adjacent combs.Only managed to check one colony. It was bursting at the seams, 11 frames of bias. Despite adding a second brood box last week, they hadn’t utilised it. Found a charged qc, probably day 2-3 egg lying on a healthy bed of royal jelly. I couldn’t find the queen today so will return tomorrow, split the frames into pairs and nuc her. It will be interesting to see what my other colonies are doing.
Well at least I spotted what they’re up to in time. Two years ago, in lockdown, my first colony having overwintered successfully, swarmed on Good Friday to next doors deckchair.
That seems to be a major flaw in most "cunning plans" as Baldrick often discovered.>>>>>>>>>>>.snip>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>..
SWMBO gets me to paint this every year, but won't allow bees to be put in it.
I've persuaded her to let me put lemon grass in it because "it will keep the wasps away"
I may of course regret this later
Laurel?Anyone know what pale green pollen might be?
I found her, thanks. On the last pair of frames. She is now in a nuc. Marked her too. They had made other qc’s that I missed yesterday. Removed all but one and wil review later in the week.Sounds they’re doing really well and good job spotting that queen cell! When you added the 2nd box did you move some brood up into it? I find this helps move the bees and nurses up into the second box and the queen soon moves onto adjacent combs.
Hope you find her ok for your split
If you have queen cups with eggs you need to check again in three days.Inspected 5 colonies in East Lothian. All building up nicely and all supered. Will need to keep an eye on one colony - there were 4 queen cups with eggs so would assume they are preparing to swarm.
Maybe harvest a comb with a nice, sealed cell to a little mating nuc as well?I found her, thanks. On the last pair of frames. She is now in a nuc. Marked her too. They had made other qc’s that I missed yesterday. Removed all but one and wil review later in the week.