What did you do in the Apiary today?

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I've checked the Brum bees in the warm weather. I didn't fuss them that much. The Selly Oak lot had plenty of stores and were just beginning to expand as the photo shows. The Sandwell lot were very busy but with less stores, so I supplemented them with half a kilo of fondant each, just in case. The weather is due to get a lot colder, so maybe it was a good idea. I also applied the first Apilife Var treatment. I shouldn't have really, as the second dose should be due next week and I cannot see that it will be warm enough in hindsight! The farm bees can wait till April. They seemed pretty active a few weeks back and some showed expansion, judging by the debris on the inspection boards even then.


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Topped up stores on hives with few stores in preparation for next week.
Weak nuc - fed thymolised syrup - now appear more lively. Dunno if weather or thymol working.
Well it's been a week, so I went in again. Glad I did as I found the queen on a frame with 6 queen cups with eggs in - I hesitate to call them charged cells with just eggs, but still worrying! Given that the queen's still present and we're due cooler weather next week (though not cold, 9-10c) I went through all frames and knocked all the cups down - none laid up on the other frames. Hopefully that was the right move. Box is packed with bees and the queen's laying like a train.

While they've drawn and filled 3 super frames over the past week, and half-drawn two more, they're clearly bringing in nectar faster than they can draw comb as there are 2 brood frames chock full of nectar. The joys of being new to this and having no comb to give them...

It's still a bit too early to split, plenty of sealed drone brood but none emerged yet. Should I consider a demaree? Would it be ok with just 1 super between, and just new frames in the bottom box?

Panicking slightly! :eek:
Well it's been a week, so I went in again. Glad I did as I found the queen on a frame with 6 queen cups with eggs in - I hesitate to call them charged cells with just eggs, but still worrying! Given that the queen's still present and we're due cooler weather next week (though not cold, 9-10c) I went through all frames and knocked all the cups down - none laid up on the other frames. Hopefully that was the right move. Box is packed with bees and the queen's laying like a train.

While they've drawn and filled 3 super frames over the past week, and half-drawn two more, they're clearly bringing in nectar faster than they can draw comb as there are 2 brood frames chock full of nectar. The joys of being new to this and having no comb to give them...

It's still a bit too early to split, plenty of sealed drone brood but none emerged yet. Should I consider a demaree? Would it be ok with just 1 super between, and just new frames in the bottom box?

Panicking slightly! :eek:

As you say, just cells with eggs in is an ambivalent signal. The fact there were only 6 suggests not swarm preps, IMHO. Possibly supersedure, or just getting some practice in for May!

With cooler weather coming, making it harder for them to draw new wax (or get a queen mated) in a demaree or split, I'd do nothing personally except keep an eye on them ......

If you have frames of capped honey in the brood box you could switch one for foundation, to give them something to do in the brood nest?
If you have frames of capped honey in the brood box you could switch one for foundation, to give them something to do in the brood nest?
There are 2 frames that are probably 1/3rd capped winter stores and 2/3rds nectar.
Currently thinking about going back in on Monday - I know it's too soon, but it's the last warm day before the colder spell. Maybe these frames will be more capped and I can swap them out. Maybe they won't have rebuilt the queen cups. Maybe the drone brood will have begun emerging, in which case they'll be mature by the time a queen is raised and ready for mating flights (assuming other hives locally are as far along) so I can split.
what is this obsession with 'splitting' a colony before the season has not even started properly?
This is going to end in tears.
Too early for a demarree, especially with colder (ie normal for the time of year) weather due next week and the chances of a decently reared then mated queen is pretty slim.
There are 2 frames that are probably 1/3rd capped winter stores and 2/3rds nectar.

That's not much then, and there's no point taking anything out with nectar in. We also aren't out of the cold weather yet, so they might end up needing these stores, especially as I assume you have put a QEx between them and the super? So I'd do nowt. If they want to draw wax they can do it in the super.
what is this obsession with 'splitting' a colony before the season has not even started properly?
This is going to end in tears.
Too early for a demarree, especially with colder (ie normal for the time of year) weather due next week and the chances of a decently reared then mated queen is pretty slim.
What are the other options if it looks like they're already making swarm preps? If they swarm you've got the same slim chance of a decently reared then mated queen. If you split then you've still got the mated queen to hand. If the parent colony fails to raise a decent queen you can let them try again later with eggs from the split.
Anyway I'm going back in on Monday as it's the last warm day - if they were just eggs in cups and not true swarm preps then they won't have rebuilt them and I won't be doing anything. Time will tell.

That's not much then, and there's no point taking anything out with nectar in. We also aren't out of the cold weather yet, so they might end up needing these stores, especially as I assume you have put a QEx between them and the super? So I'd do nowt. If they want to draw wax they can do it in the super.
They have other stores above brood, but the 2 frames mentioned are the only 2 that are purely honey/nectar frames.
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Starting season number 4 and first inspection of the year today. Hives 1 and 2 with 2nd gen Buckfast queens have been looking quieter from the entrance and each only had a couple of frames of brood. Both overwintered on double brood and the bottom boxes were completely empty. Condensed both down to single brood and will see how they get on. Hopefully I’ll have the option to requeen when mated queens are being sold. Hive 3 with the mongrel queen also on double brood had 7 frames of brood and is looking fantastic. Plenty of bees and still plenty of room for the queen to lay.
Checked all the hives. All queenright with lots of brood and enough stores to last for now. Even the sick hive with CBPV last September looks strong. Will requeen before a Bailey in a few weeks.
Two nucs from @mbc are needing moving shortly. Both lovely quiet bees
So no losses.
Inspected two of our four hives yesterday. Queens laying, didn't spend time looking for them. Brood box has two frames lof stores at each end, not much laying room left,and the half we left them is full and capped from end to end!!!!!!! I know the weather is supposed to take a turn but if this continues what should I do?
Inspected two of our four hives yesterday. Queens laying, didn't spend time looking for them. Brood box has two frames lof stores at each end, not much laying room left,and the half we left them is full and capped from end to end!!!!!!! I know the weather is supposed to take a turn but if this continues what should I do?

Is there a QEx?

If not are you running brood and a half for the summer, or looking to put one in?
Inspected two of our four hives yesterday. Queens laying, didn't spend time looking for them. Brood box has two frames lof stores at each end, not much laying room left,and the half we left them is full and capped from end to end!!!!!!! I know the weather is supposed to take a turn but if this continues what should I do?
I’m on 14x12 two of mine are similar. I took two frames out