I decided I had to do something with my "hive from hell" that inflicted about 30 stings on Monday so yesterday a took the hive away about 15m and put a new hive with drawn comb and one frame of eggs in its place.
The flyers obviously returned to the new hive and I was hoping that they would produce a new queen from these eggs donated by a nice calm hive. ( I was hoping to then remove the old queen and reunite at a later date.)
When I inspected this evening the old, moved hive were sweetness and light and hardly moved off the comb.
The new hive full of flyers were still extremely feisty but not as bad as before but there was no sign of any attempt to make a new queen.
I know there are no young bees in this hive but I have used this trick when doing a cut out with 100% success.
Anyone have a theory as to why they would make no attempt to make a queen?