Boston Bees
Good luck on Wednesday, you’ll be fine I’m sure.
2 options really, as you said, shook swarm or destroying the hive. I normally go for shook swarm, as I’d like to save the bees if I can. I know some think infected hives should be destroyed.
the SBI mentioned shook swarm if the sample/s come back positive. The sample results letter specifically says ‘recommended action: shook swarm’. I don’t know if this correlate to the level of detection or not.
I was with the SBI, it was very subtle (very few suspected larvae), he wasn’t sure if it would come back positive or not when collecting the sample.
I do the shook swarms (unfortunately I’m becoming quite good at this). I’ll do both on Sat, as the weather tomorrow is rain pretty much all day. Burning all frames, disinfecting/sanitising all hives poly equipment.
I got a standstill notice, not allowed to move any equipment out of my apiary. Standard practice is they come again in 8 weeks for a follow up check.
Thanks, very useful
Do they ask you for details of everyone you have sold or given a colony to recently? Given the positive test I mean.