What did you do in the Apiary today?

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Thanks folks for the replys concerning my incubator.
Im spraying water once a day and I've made some home made cages to keep them separated.
@ madasafish should I drop the temp to 34.5 or just leave alone now?
I'm going in the shed to try my hand at mini - Mating nucs as I would prefer to keep them here.
Somethings in beekeeping happen by accident not design that's perhaps why I love it so much!
I've just been down to out apiary 1
And hefted the hives after putting the supers back on had a quick peak and there filling them up again added another to one colony that now has three supers..
I've got to move one colony to my out apiary 2 for requeening.
Im also going to get some more colonys from Frith common and taking them to catherton common.
16 cells into nucs and another batch should be capped in a couple of days, 21 out of 24 so happy with that. Plenty of nectar coming in I think there on the sycamore and hawthorn, also plenty of false acacia flowering.
Plenty of nectar coming in I think there on the sycamore and hawthorn, also plenty of false acacia flowering.
One half of my swarmed colony has produced a whole super of fully capped honey - amazing. I am sure "my" two trees of pseudo acacia are not in flower yet. Must walk down the road to check it out! Some frames I harvested today had a definite taste of hawthorn. All change here then for tomorrows schedule!
One half of my swarmed colony has produced a whole super of fully capped honey - amazing. I am sure "my" two trees of pseudo acacia are not in flower yet. Must walk down the road to check it out! Some frames I harvested today had a definite taste of hawthorn. All change here then for tomorrows schedule!

What area are you in.
Not a million miles from me then i am just down the M3. More of that acacia every year and quite a bit lining the roads.
Gone from 1 hive to 3 in record time due to a Snelgrove 2 modified on my original hive and the recent acquisition of a swarm. Time for some interesting inspections.

Had the swarm for 10 days in a nuc and there’s eggs and small larvae. It didn’t seem like a prime swarm (in my limited experience), so would it be too early for a queen to get mated and have brood of 4 to 5 days old if she was an unmated queen when we housed the swarm?

The AS part of the Snelgrove quickly disposed of the queen when we reintroduced her on stage 2 (she did look a bit ropey) so I purchased a Buckfast Queen and introduced her after reading some good tips on this forum. The cage was empty so we removed it but didn’t look further and will do a quick check in a week or so.

The parent hive failed to make any emergency QC's after Snelgrove stage 2 despite having eggs after we transferred the ropey queen to the AS. We found eggs and small larvae on this inspection so I am guessing that what we thought were swarm QC's were in fact supersedure QC's, even though we had about 6 QC's hanging off the bottom of frames and just 1 on the face. What do people think? Didn’t see the queen but will leave them for a couple of weeks to get on with it.

2nd year beekeeping trials and tribulations. Love it!!
Had the swarm for 10 days in a nuc and there’s eggs and small larvae. It didn’t seem like a prime swarm (in my limited experience), so would it be too early for a queen to get mated and have brood of 4 to 5 days old if she was an unmated queen when we housed the swarm?

Quite possible for a queen to get mated and laying in that time - less sometimes.
As for prime/cast - what's the difference superficially? size isn't everything you know :D

I am guessing that what we thought were swarm QC's were in fact supersedure QC's, even though we had about 6 QC's hanging off the bottom of frames and just 1 on the face. What do people think?
Position doesn't always indicate whether it's supersedure or not. A lot of flannel gets told about supersedure cells, had five supersedures on the go this spring - not one cell anywhere near the middle of the brood, not one hive with a solitary QC although with seven cells I'd bet on swarming.
Thanks folks for the replys concerning my incubator.
Im spraying water once a day and I've made some home made cages to keep them separated.
@ madasafish should I drop the temp to 34.5 or just leave alone now?
I'm going in the shed to try my hand at mini - Mating nucs as I would prefer to keep them here.
Somethings in beekeeping happen by accident not design that's perhaps why I love it so much!

Just leave alone.. fiddling is a bad habit with bees....
Out apiary number five. I'm moving the hives tomorrow another apiary at 400 metres

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Cut the grass in between work jobs. I start off every year trying to mow regularly in the apiaries and yet I still manage to miss a cut somehow somewhen and it looks like a mess. Probably comes from being in horticulture - I like it tidy!
Cut the grass in between work jobs. I start off every year trying to mow regularly in the apiaries and yet I still manage to miss a cut somehow somewhen and it looks like a mess. Probably comes from being in horticulture - I like it tidy!
At this rate my mower will be broken.. It will get a gentle topping with the tractor mower

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Put the clearer boards on the hives with OSR this morning.
7 supers to spin out tomorrow.
Today caught and hived a good sized swarm from my front hedge. Feeling really smug but won't be if I find they were mine to start with...:biggrinjester:
Bees are decent, but forage failing - the frost in late March and in April hit hard black locust flowers. It changed from intensive forage to calm one, for extraction will see if weather allow the bees to gather from flowers which left..


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