What did you do in the Apiary today?

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Finally did the worst three from two fortnightly counts during September thymol with 4.5% pre-mix (3.2% OA actual). Rest I'm awaiting fresh OA crystals for before risking them. 7.5 deg, hail storm before, light rain after, no wind.

Two were quiet, half way down the box and had visible stores. The third was a local swarm (not mine) from the top of the next hill (yes, really) I hived in July, took a small honey crop off and wintering on brood and a half.

Opened up they were happily filling the commercial box, high on the frames and took to the air in a curious fashion. Had eaten the sentinel tub of fondant and from the weight of them most of their winter stores too. Prepared to guess Q has no plans to stop laying. Winter? Hmm....
Just did the OA treatment and put some fondant on just in case. There were 5 seems of bees near the top of the BB.
Have treated with O.A. and realised that there are bout 20 thousand bees that do not like me any more even though I gave them some fondant . Must learn to choose my friends more carefully. I was surprised at the amount of activity considering I have not seen them out for a long time. Still all well thankfully, and I am already looking forward to the spring and increasing my colonies.
Had a peek in my hive. As a newbee, there is lots of conflicting info on here/books. Some say no ventilation, as the entrance is enough, some put in matchsticks etc etc. I Had a solid 1/2" ply crown board, which I made theat had a 3cm hole in for ventilation. I put a small piece of mesh over that in the autumn, then filled a super with a few sacks, then 2" of polystyrene over that, with a small gap all the way round for ventilation.
Took out all that and had a look through the mesh today, just because I was a tad worried they might be dead (internet horror stories!) but they looked good, from the tiny amount I could see. Lifted the hive too, I guess it weighed about 20kg, but have some digital 35kg scales at work, so will weigh them next week.
Ordered some OA from national bee supplies, delivery was nearly twice the cost of the product, but nevermind, it seems it has to be done. Really worried about doing that bit though. Seems mean, right in the middle of winter pouring stuff over them!
Did the OA at both sites to-day. 1st site it was sunny but a very lazy wind, only two to report which will need fondant, one of them will get quite a decent chunk when I check the mite fall in a few days time. The other site is sheltered by trees, so now a pleasant job but with the sun disappearing becoming a bit gloomy. One of the strongest nucs quite happy to come out for a little look around and another equally as strong happily clustered (must make a note of the number if it winters well maybe a candidate for future Q selection). Finished making my last batch (12) of insulated lids, so all now properly tucked up if the snows finally come. Hope we get some decent weather before anything silly happens, so the bees can get out and back, one or two have tried and not made it. Did a quick check on a strong one, took out the feeder/spacer and found sealed brood a bit bigger than a fifty pence and a small ring of larva around it.
So all looking pretty good up to now
OA done Sunday - 4 hives in partial shade pussycats; remainder in sun (hive walls registering 20C) - several of which had flyers - weren't happy. Three hives of the total were registering crownboard temps 5C higher than others - presume these may have already re-commenced brood rearing. Checked a couple of easily accessed boards at 24hrs - 10-15 mites max per hive.

Only just had a chance to grab pics off camera - below is one of the many girls who were taking advantage of the ongoing mespillus blossom (at least 10 weeks of it now) on 27th Dec (whilst we had 10cm of snow on the ground).
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Out at 0105 securing one of the hives whose strap I'd left off the other day. Today I'm just going to watch the hives through binoculars from the kitchen window - wet, wind, cold and miserable outside - the varroa count can wait!
the weather broke to a clear cold afternoon at about 2:00pm so went of a tour of my apiaries

all hives secure but noticed that the bricks on several hives had blown off ( all hive also strapped down in storm mode)

also finished off OA treatment at an out apairy near St Albans that i did not get around to on Saturday.

My Nuc there was really full, 5 brood 14x12 frames out of six, much stronger than i expected it must have been breading since september....will need to consider how to deal with it in both extra stores and how to move on ASAP
Put oxalic on 2 hives even though downpour and 60mph gusts. 6 seams in 1 hive and 9 in the other. Also put on fondant. So glad there were other bka members there as we worked as a team.
Collected 3 sale poly nucs and ekes from Paynes. Dissuaded from buy oxalic as brood present.

Just done final batch of OA ( a few days later than optimal IMHO) by torchlight.

Gusting quite badly but not raining. Luckily hives are quite well sheltered.

main colonies all 4-5 seams (these were all splits end May, queens laying by end june). Other two were small swarms - earliest 3.5 seams; latest (oct!) still ISQ 2 seams.
Finally cold enough to crack open the hives and oxalic...also gave 3 of the 4 some fondant - surprised also how large the colonies in 3 of 4 were
Not a sign of a bee out when we went down the plot this afternoon. Didn't open the hives. just had a nose around them. Hopefully we will get some cold and clear weather in the next couple od days and I can get my Oxalic Acid done and have as good a look into both hives as I can.
Just found one of my hives blown over off it stand, nothing I can do now.

It is all intact as it was well strapped together.:cool: just hope they are all OK?
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So sorry to hear that. I hope they're OK.
This bloody wind is awful. It's been like that here for a week!!!
I strapped mine to the stands.

I'm hoping for that promised bit of sunshine and easing of the wind tomorrow to oxalic.
Oxalic treatment

I did my oxalic treatment a five days ago, decided that I couldn't wait for it to get colder as it is very mild here in the south east and the forecast is not predicting any cold weather. Had to smoke the bees plenty to get them to move, but the mite drop a few days after was very satisfying.
Asked my OH to take a photo of each inspection board last night following my OA treatment on Monday - as I'm away. She didn't manage and just txt me today saying she found the inspection boards strewn across the lawn this morning.

So there goes my varroa count!! :mad:
started tidying up the shed - would you believe it! someone's broken in and dumped a big pile of cedar offcuts in there - wait til I tell SWMBO!
Ah well, waste not want not I shall try to construct some hive parts out of them rather than burning them - they may do for supers and brood boxes if I'm lucky!! :D