What did you do in the Apiary today?

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Hi Simon not sure if you’ve had the like before but they really should be a joy to work. If you are after a breeder this year hive maker on this site may have some II later this season. It’s an eye opener when you get hold of these queens that have had so much professional work put into them. I dont just restrict that comment to that particular breed but also others available.
Watched bees at home apiary busy on oak tree leaves, almost sounding like a swarm. Presumably using the heavy morning dew to gather some honeydew. Plenty of clover, lime and bramble within 100m too.
Collected 2 swarms from the roses in my neighbours garden yesterday. The hive I harvested 11 virgin queens from earlier in the week obviously still had a couple spare!
All my hives sounded like air conditioning units last night. It's a flow on!
Not technically in the apiary but .... Thursday I spent the day trying to inform/educate half a dozen classes from the local primary school in Barnham . Same as last year generally , had a hive with drawn and undrawn frames in . This year the challenge was on though , as the kids had done some homework about honey bees before their arrival , made it a little easier tbh as I could then ask the questions about what they knew .
The following day I believe they bought in some livestock for them to see and even cooked various meats for them to link the animal with the foodstuff. To be fair most of the kids are fairly agri aware . A good day all round and something I think more schools should do .
Odd afternoon, there had been lots of bees flying round the back of both hives this morning.
It looked like they were looking to go robbing, but both hives are strong so didn't worry about it, came home this afternoon to find a very small swarm on the front of one of the hives, and all hell breaking lose with both hives guards attacking the swarm, with quite a bit of balling and stinging going on so figured it wasn't one of ours.

Found queen wandering on her own on side of hive, marked her (Red but its the only pen we have!!) put her and some of the bees in nuc, half hour later and lots of little cups full of bees to the front of the nuc while palying peace keeper and calm is restored.
Just got to find someone that wants a nuc of bees if they do OK, as we have what we need.
Are swarms attracted to other bee colonies?
Finished a raised bed and planted it out with bee friendly plants that no doubt the bees will ignore.
Other than that spent far too much money at Thornes shop in Devon, after visiting the honey farm.
Yesterday i bit the bullet and shook a angry Queenless colony out..after two attempts to get a virgin mated failed..also extracted three supers that will go back on today..I have never seen so much honey and the summer flow is just starting.

So, pleased for you. Ordered some Phacelia seeds which will hopefully give them some forage before Ivy. Be interesting to see how that goes.
Yesterday i bit the bullet and shook a angry Queenless colony out..after two attempts to get a virgin mated failed..also extracted three supers that will go back on today..I have never seen so much honey and the summer flow is just starting.

Sounds good. Ours have struggled stuck in the hives for two weeks but are set to explode now.

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Yesterday i bit the bullet and shook a angry Queenless colony out..after two attempts to get a virgin mated failed..also extracted three supers that will go back on today..I have never seen so much honey and the summer flow is just starting.

Well done 👏

Good things come to those who work hard.
Hives haven't moved much in terms of stores in the last week, maybe decreased if anything, but a bit more brood laid up by all queens.

All colonies have space in both brood box and super(s) - weather set to turn hot this week; just need the lime to start opening up!